
I'm not sure which one hurts more—being a young and insecure teen and not knowing any better, or being an adult and having the capacity to know better but that knowledge not helping the pain. I think it sucks either way, honestly. When it happened to me as a kid, it was two or three girls literally kicking me out of

I think my very few friends think I'm an asshole when I cancel last minute, even though they know me enough to expect that by now. When they cancel, I am secretly thrilled. Not because I don't love my friends, but because eating cookies in my PJ's with My BFF Netflix sounds like a way less uncomfortable situation for

Right? I am entirely useless in situations with strangers. I choked out that I liked a girl's concert t-shirt at a yoga class once and struck up conversation about the band for like, a minute. I went home secretly hoping she'd become my new best friend, but of course she didn't because I am awkward as fuck.

Love the battery analogy. So true. My fiance still doesn't quite understand why I need a week's notice to hang out with friends... but it takes a LOT out of me to just get myself into a place where I feel like I can be good company. This is why I'm so cranky the weeks leading up to a work trip, because I know I have

Being social IS hard. I am totally an introvert, and while I love being around people, I usually have to psyche myself up really hard, and I usually have to drink to come out of my shell. And then I need days and days to recup because of the mental stress. Sigh. I feel you.

I totally stayed away from girls for a LONG time as a result, too! I've grown out of that too, but that middle school/high school shit still exists for many well past that stage of life. My workplace is a lot like a high school, blech.

Wow, that is SO shitty. And yet I have experienced something similar. I started to have some random medical issues that made me chronically exhausted, so I withdrew from my friends without a trace. A year later I came back to my two best friends and apologized profusely for my behavior, and explained that I had

I totally know what you mean. But then again I also blame my issues with intimacy and commitment on a relationship I had when I was 16... lol. But no, it's a terrible thing to go through, and I'm sorry that so many people have responded to my post saying that they went through it too. It's so lonely, at an age when

Yeah I'm still not sure what their reasoning was, beyond they were "tired" of my negativity. I wish I could say only kids do this to each other, but I had a friend just two years ago pull this shit on me again. It has taught me to work on myself and put effort into being a better person, so I win. :)

I was "kicked out" of a friend group when I was 12/13. It is such a tender age, and while it seems inconsequential today, I can honestly say it had a huge influence on the way I build friendships and relationships with others. When people start to pull away, even if it's for a legitimate reason like they're busy with

At first I was surprised that 73% of Americans believe in soul mates. That seems like an astronomical % of people believing in a concept that is completely and utterly impossible to measure, test, or prove. But! that's actually on par with the percentage of people who believe in God, so, take that as you will.

I'm all for more women in leading roles, but I'm tired of the over-sexualized super heroines. There's a fine line between "strong and sexy" and being blatantly cast by and written for men. We need less focus on the boobs and more focus on writing strong-willed and relatable characters. /soap box rant

Mine has also been adament about not wanting kids (as have I), but we're still in our 20s so I still feel like it's too early to make a permanent decision like that. If we're approaching 40 and we still are childless with no desire to reproduce, then I think a vasectomy would make the most sense. I am one of the rare

My fear is what I'm going to do between, say, age 40-ish through menopause. I've found a pill that works for me with limited side effects, and it does the most important thing—regulates my INSANE and unpredictable period. Every other pill was a nightmare and I'm too chicken to try IUD, so I feel this post. I have

Yusssssss. I, too, will be there before they close for the season! I haven't been in a while. I'm looking forward to the dude that fires insults at people. And beer! Always beer.

You wouldn't happen to be talking about the Bristol Ren Faire, would you?

Mayo Clinic to the rescue... "Combination birth control pills that contain less than 50 micrograms of ethinyl estradiol, a kind of estrogen, are known as low-dose pills."…

I too am curious about this. I know my pill is considered a higher dosage because the lower dose pills cause me constant breakthrough bleeding... but I haven't been able to find anything in my brief google search to see what is considered a "high estrogen dose" pill. Mine (Reclipsen) contains: desogestrel 0.15mg,

First ebola and now this? You're killing me today, Erin! I just picked up my pill rx yesterday and noticed mine has spiffy new packaging—I wonder if this research has any correlation to the sudden fancy rebranding.

Ha, I know that excessive and obsessive use of hand sanitizer is a Very Bad Thing, but it's just habit! I feel dirty whenever I read anything about contagions. I'm going to go board up my house and slowly rock back and forth now.