
Well, Lizzie McGuire wasn't ever really know for her dancing so.......I guess she met my expectations...?

One of the reasons I’ve yet to watch GoT despite being a fantasy genre fanatic is the gratuitous sexual violence against women I hear about. I haven’t watched the show, obvi, but from what I gather, Outlander, and Claire in particular are the feminist answer to GoT....both in the narrative and in the direction.

Yeahhhhhhh any other gifs out there would probably have scarred me for life....

Oh....I checked out the wiki synopsis, too, and it was not as bad as I assumed...I mean, it sucks, but I guess after years of watching SVU I’m jaded and desensitized. Though during the episode I’m sure I’ll be like this:

Oh lawd. Sam and Caitriona better be doing lots of interviews and shit between now and then to keep us up to date on adorable "are they or aren't they?" gifs and clips. Ughhhhhhhhh. To spoil or not to spoillll. I need some wine to make this decision.................... And yeah Sat. Night Social is a great idea!

Ugh I've only been semi-spoiled and I think we need to have an open Outlander thread for moral and emotional support next it the season finale, btw? For some reason I thought this week was the finale and was all braced for what I think happens, then I realized I get to have another anxiety ridden week

Taylor is a Ralph Lauren model from the 90s who accidentally gets period blood on the sample outfits from the photoshoot and someone (could be Ralph Lauren, but i like to think Miranda Priestly) rips off her prothetic eyebrows and bans her from the modeling world. Choas and Kill Bill-Style violence ensue. The next

Yep...they made that moment WAY to big and slow-mo for him NOT to get captured. I was so waiting for I’m just so damn anxious over what happens next I almost don’t want to watch it. (Allllmosttttt)

Heh. Droughtlander.

your favorite part of the fight includes Sam’s ass. I tip my hat to you, sir.

I feel like they’re giving us a fairly uneventful two episodes at Lallybroch to prepare us for whaat I can imagine is going to be a fucking intense season finale that is about to happen. I may myself not watch it until right before next season cuz I’m so freaking nervous about what happens. At least the rest of the

Fart sound, indeed.

His face is so adorable it hurts a little true. I love the show for it’s restraint, for sure, and for not falling into “romance” tropes and for championing the female-gaze.

I've been DYING to talk about this episode.

Here here!

Given that straight men had near-unfettered "access" to women sexually, I wasn't surprised that something that would be considered so anathema to the manly men of Britain (homosexuality) is so fetishized by men in roles of power— re: the Duke of Sandringham and now BJ. I actually thought that it added SO much to the

Bless you and the Lord’s work that you do weekly.

TROOF. The main thing I want to talk about in the comments is my disappointment

But the more important question is....where is the Outlander episode recap, Kellyyyyyyy. I wants it....