
At this point, I’m just living my life from Sunday to Sunday (I watch it Outlander online the next day) waiting with baited breath for the Jezebel recap and subsequent gifs. God knows what’s going to happen to me when the series finale premierers....

What was that noise? Oh, nothing, Just a hundred thousand womens’ panties dropping...

Every save those eyeroll GIFS for the Fox News coverage of Hillary's campaign, now, ya hear? (God knows we're going to need that firelight scene to get us through the months ahead...)

My inner dialogue: "MY GOD...that was a traumatic episode...I don't think I'll ever be able to watch it agai—hey now...what're they doing over there by the fire.........O_O BEST.EPISODE.EVER."

Yeah...I think tampons are so ubiquitous now, people think everyone uses them, which makes it embarrassing and awkward when you don't. Like asking people at work if they have a pad when I'm out and they respond "All I've got is a tampon." It took me several months to be able to wear a tampon and not be acutely aware


That is fucking EXACTLY what it is like!!!!

I know what you mean....I was like "you mean it's not normal for me to be in tears and excruciating pain when my bf is trying to enter me??"

Holy crap...I'm so sorry you had to go through that!!! Hopefully talking about it and educating others will help it become a more mainstream conversation and Doctors will become more educated about what it's really like!

You are my soul sister— tampons were the bane of my existence— now they're my best friend!

First, let me saw congrats and acknowledge you for taking the first step to seek treatment and get support. I waited over a year to get diagnosed and that lead to a lot of beating myself up and feeling like a failure because I couldn't have sex with my first true love. Finding a mental health counselor/therapist is

same here...i did a shit ton of googling and then finally went to a therapistonce my partner and i had been dealing with penetration failure for almost a year

not a stupid question...once i tried lubbing the hell out of my junk and having my partner try to enter and that didn't work, i was able to figure out that my probs went beyond the basics. The muscular aspect, though, makes it more difficult to address on your own unless are a physical therapist or pelvic floor

my sex therapist was the one who referred me to my gyno who referred me to my physical therapist. All three were amazing, but the rec from the therapist was invaluable.

thanks for sharing this, Jezzy! I was diagnosed with primary vaginismus over a year ago and now I can have sex AND use tampons like a BAMF!(Seriously, they're the greatest things ever.) Anxiety plus an overactive imagination plus the horrible cultural stigmas about sex, vaginal penetration and years of hearing about

Taylor Schilling is bored to death. Give HER the Tequila!

My favorite part of this article:

The best description of Scalia EVER!

I think you sum up REALLY WELL something that has had me on the receiving end of self-doubt for a while now in terms of speaking about complex cultural issues and figuring out HOW to analyze them from my individual perspective.