
Ariana Grande says what? No, seriously. She doesn’t enunciate.

but she started having these kids while she was charged and knew she could potentially go to prison......

Look, you make some good points, but fuck her.

She also decided to get pregnant and have kids when she knew she was about to go on trial and possibly get sentenced to jail, which kind of makes me wonder if she didn’t just have them to try to avoid prison, in which case those kids are maybe better off being raised without her? 

I mean they’re both rich at this point so why not? Most people’s “mistakes” are “I hooked up with a deadbeat with no future.” The worst thing either of things will get out of this? That one or the other’s just a jerk.

No. She does not get a redemption arc. She helped put him in office. She has shown a callous disregard for her fellow human beings; particularly the children her husband put in cages.

Apparently he’s 20 years old, so at least she’s not marrying one of the many older creeps who were being way too groomy with her when she was still sixteen (COUGH Drake is a predator COUGH).

Conservatives keep looking for groomers and pedophiles in the LGBTQ community. The groomers and pedophiles are in religious communities. Always have been.

I mean, she didn’t marry him for his sparkling personality or their personal chemistry....

Yes, she’ll likely not be rich after divorcing him. That she isn’t divorcing him means she values being rich more than not being married to a rapist.

Divorce him if that’s what you want. You’re still part of this flaming clown car dumpster fire until you actually make some sacrifices to separate yourself from that rapist. 

The concept that an action can be *intended* to be joke AND still be sexual assault will just never compute for many folks.

My mother, a devout Catholic, and I, a lapsed Catholic/atheist, have gone a few rounds about Mother Teresa. My mom will hear none of it. To her, Mother Teresa is a saint who helped people—that’s how fully mythologized Mother Teresa has been by the Church and Catholic media (and even mainstream media). You can talk to

Let’s not get too far ahead of ourselves now. Gonzales (R TX-23) is only in his second term and is being assigned to committees as a(n evil) policy wonk [1], so it’s not like Bash was risking a lot of access doing something approaching journalism here.

“I hope you get raped by cops and are forced to carry the rape baby and die giving birth, misandrist.”

Gandhi slept with girls and Mother Theresa was a sadist. Kill your heroes, folks.

This reminds me of Michael Jackson exclaiming it was “charming” when he, an adult male, shared a bed with kids having a sleepover at his house.

Swank is partnered. She didn’t start a family, she was growing her existing family. Childfree/childless couples are no less families just because they don't have children.

One of those resources is money, IVF is so stupid expensive it’s out of reach for many people.

Yeah let’s just get off of it ladies. Can’t we talk about the scary Mexicans you saw when you were driving to Starbucks this morning?