
I think he is monomaniacal about football to the exclusion of everything else.

I hate to defend the dude, but it’s been known since that happened that he didn’t know Bridget was pregnant when he started dating Gisele. They had broken up.

I think he is monomaniacal about football to the exclusion of everything else. In all the years he’s been in the spotlight I’ve never seen much in the way of recognizable emotion from him. As he’s aged he’s turned into a machine that seems only focused on keeping his 40+ year-old body competitive with guys half his

For me it stopped aging well when I was watching it when it aired at season 3. Alan Ball seemed to have taken a page from Ryan Murphy were if you jam enough convoluted plot in a season no one will notice the lack of character development from sheer exhaustion.

My nephew managed to buy over $50 worth of crap on a game app I let him download (curse you in-app purchases!) to my phone in a bid to be the fun aunt and I will never let that devil touch my phone again. The Carters seem fully ensconced in luxury living and massive consumption of goods and services and I just hope

I agree that Hannah and Carrie are in the same vein. For me though, some of the episodes on Girls were really groundbreaking television that created a lot of space for the complicated character work we see now. But I also understand if someone would bump it in favour of another.

That’s a nice virtue signal you got there.

His lawyer called a victim a bimbo?! Is he trying to get Weinstein a new trial due to an incompetent lawyer ruling?

They also left out Carnivale. I loved True Blood but it’s a bad show! Which is part of what makes it enjoyable.

SATC, The Wire, Sopranos, Six Feet Under and Curb in the top 5. Veep, The Leftovers, Barry, Deadwood and Girls somewhere in the top 10. In any order.

Fuck the guys who did this. Fucking assholes didn’t even finish the job. 

I mean, if the shoe fits...

It’s almost as if being a terrible person has fucking consequences

I thought it was "My Name is Earl" Jason Lee, which would have been MUCH stranger. Never heard of this one before. 

Yes, of course, but the show unnecessarily softens Armand here yet again, as his role in Luke’s death is decidedly different in the books. 

It seems like a lot of this series seems dead-set on making hugely consequential actions come down to misunderstandings or “whoopsie daisies”.

I didn’t really care for how they let Aemond off the hook for Luke’s death. Having them both lose control of their dragons was a plot contrivance that came across as a lazy bit of both sides-ism; “Hey, just because Aemond demanded that his cousin put out his own eye in front of an entire royal court then deliberately

The first season of Game of Thrones had its own unique issues but it still had so many more characters, both major and minor, to root for. House of the Dragons only has minor characters to root for (who all too often perish with all-too-quick deaths)...which isn’t enough to make for compelling TV. Almost all of HotD’s

settlements!! He had better apologize to the George Floyd family. Same for Candace Owens, that nitwit.

How about random, shitty tiny tattoos that look like your 8-year-old brother drew on you with a Sharpie -- can THAT be over?