Or, he WAS bullied as a kid and became the bully as an adult. Also common!
Or, he WAS bullied as a kid and became the bully as an adult. Also common!
It seems like perhaps his concept of what’s “beneath him” is the whole problem.
Fuck of you racist piece of shit.
Is it just me or does the header image not look like Megan Fox? I mean, I have to force myself to realize it is her while the instagram post is where I’d instantly recognize her. At first I thought it was the hair color throwing me off but now I’m wondering if it is different photoshop work at play or something.
I’m pretty sure I’ve seen some horror movies with demons who have a less scary face than that dude. British people jokes aside, has he never used a toothbrush?
I think the key is that all of those people met as already-adults, not adult-and-teen.
I could care less about the age gap....if you’re happy then be happy with whoever you love and who loves you back.
Oh great she can get back to advocating spanking children like the sack of insane shit that she is
But we can still comment on how old men *constantly* do this. Get bored and trade in old wife for new, young wife. Have babies with new wife. Thus, siblings decades apart. Honestly, why anyone would want to start over with babies in their 60s is beyond me. That shit’s exhausting.
Dang it. Not wishing for her death or anything, but I was hoping we were finally rid of her on the airwaves.
She gonna apologize for all the shit she started and stirred up? No? Then be well and be quiet.
What she has, you don’t “mend”
Still a terrible human who even mocks dead kids for ratings. Just like Kanye, a gross creature expecting compassion for her problems when she had less than none for others.
Just to put more shit in this shit sandwich, the alleged theft happened two days before this rancid motherfucker put his hands on this boy.
Because he was too chickenshit to confront what was probably an able bodied young man.
“The old man on the phone didn’t say the young man stole the bicycle. He said one of the young man’s friends stole the bicycle.”
You know that makes this shit even worse, right?
Regardless that man had no right to stop, put his hands on and detain the kid. That is whole fucking point of the outrage.
Way to be pedantic about a stupid fucking point. The point is that the old asshole is forcibly detaining a young man who did nothing.
My favorite part of the video is when the asshole says he doesn’t know what kind of bike the stolen one is, “It’s a green one.” The bike the kid is sitting on is blue.