My grandmother used to say that those God loves most he takes soonest—-looks like Scott Baio’s gonna live forever.
My grandmother used to say that those God loves most he takes soonest—-looks like Scott Baio’s gonna live forever.
This might be an unpopular opinion, and obviously everyone should be arrested and prosecuted equally, and I get that is the point here, but you could also... not do illegal drugs? Wait for it to be legal or if its really that important to you that you would risk ending up in this situation, move somewhere where it…
So in the first ad she is speaking about heroin - and in the second ad she is speaking about pot (per the cartoon). There is a difference, no?
Crunchyroll and funimation are playing nice together because of amazon. Amazon swooped in out of nowhere and bought up like 80% of the promising anime and they were like
There is no way in hell Weinstein doesn’t know that saying fuck multiple times gets you an R-rating by default. It feels like a crass publicity stunt to get outrage going over the ‘wrongful’ R-rating, possibly to distract attention away from casting a cis actress.
Lego Star Wars are by far the best Lego games.
It was the free game in February
I absolutely agree.
Brutal, but true.
I don’t know what’s more amazing, that the bar is set so low this time for PS+, or that Sony will still manage to crawl underneath it.
It pains me to disagree with such an incredibly well-written, persuasive essay that shows so much empathy. Stassa Edwards’ writing is one of the best things about Jezebel.
I liked that when Aloy stepped out into the greater world, there was actually a story going on that was semi-related to her quest, but also operating on its own. She didn’t just walk into ‘random post-apocalyptic world with vague troubles’ but a really specific time of transition.
It’s funny how the story starts with the structure of a Simpsons episode, where it’s about the Coming of Age plot with Aloy until it takes a HARD RIGHT.
Not frozen, continually cloned over and over again. Each clone teaches the next generation. After almost a thousand years, Ted Faro the 5oth is probably bat shit crazy and the only person left from the old world.
Yeah, we’re definitely going to be following Sylens to Thebes and find Ted. I don’t know if they will do that all in the DLC or in a sequel, but it definitely seems like Sylens is looking for Thebes, whether he knows it or not.
I loved HZD but its a very slow burn. The early content, the present-day tribal stuff was pretty underwhelming. It wasn’t until I really dug into the main quest and started learning about the fall of civilization that the story really got interesting to me. I loved the second half of the game, but I wish the first…
So am I the only one who thinks that Ted Faro had himself cryogenically frozen so that he could check up on how things were going in the revived earth? And then he didn’t like what he saw, so he sent out the signal that fucked up Gaia and the shackled sub-AIs?
My spoiler is that Aloy sounds like ALLOY which is word that is like a kind of metal because robots and metal and also metal robots get it
There’s not even any barrel, it’s just a comically oversized suppressor.
No, it’s fine to praise good work and effort. It’s people behind the work, and they deserve to hear it.