If Atlas wants to pretend this is about spoilers after “7/7"....then I’d love nothing more for every goddamn reviewer on YouTube to do videos where they give away everything that happens after that day.
If Atlas wants to pretend this is about spoilers after “7/7"....then I’d love nothing more for every goddamn reviewer on YouTube to do videos where they give away everything that happens after that day.
Remember when Square tried to stop people from posting info online about Final Fantasy 9 and was laughed off the internet so fast they had to reverse their decision immediately? And that was 17 years ago!
Really hope that the backlash gets even bigger until they remove this restriction for streaming. I love this game but knowing this in my head makes the game less enjoyable to be honest.
So, as a Bioware employee, can you tell me why your game is trash?
The worst offender for the UI are the missions where you have to replace missing medical supplies. The game does not track which ones you have done (I often do missions without tracking them), so you have to backtrack if you did them out of order or just mentally remember the one that you already delivered.
Switching out Peter Dinklage in Destiny helped, so there is precident...
Yes, the online campaign was wrong and bad.
Drack to Liam: “What are you, like two?” LMAO
I never say this, but this! Let’s not forget, sales people or marketers may be looked down upon in the food chain of value creation, but they are one of its most vital parts. Plus, selling is indeed a skill
When I worked at Salvation Army I would come across typewriters with decent frequency. We would sell them for ~$10 and I would see some of the same ones (albeit a bit more polished) for $150 on Etsy (and others going for $300+). I started collecting them from thrift stores because I’d make mini art projects using…
Meh, I would rather have a book full of these and laugh my ass off:
Lots of really, really good art here, for sure, but I’m sorry, that new alien species is straight-up fugly.
I fucking hate AoT for that very reason.
The show thinks it’s terrifying, but it’s unintentionally hilarious because of the unbelievably goofy looking Titans (and just generally being the blandest bag of tired old anime tropes).
Man, Gantz is bizarre. I just finished it about two months ago, and I can’t help but go back and reexamine some of the panels. I didn’t know what a butter dog was until that manga, and I wish I didn’t still.
It’s the fact that the manga kept focusing on the politics when, by the manga’s own admission, that it was all meaningless with the walls falling and the fact that the solution to all their problems is likely in the basement and they keep dragging their feet on going there that made me stop reading it
AoT has always come across to me as a bad attempt at being fantasy Gantz, but it doesn’t have the commitment to murder the ever-loving heck out of the leads and it thinks its political machinations are way, way, way more interesting than they are.
Counterpoint: It was fantastic and I want more of the same.
That’s the incredible thing - it has the amazing environments and exploration of similar games Witcher 3, Skyrim, etc... but it absolutely leaves those games in the dust when it comes to gameplay. It plays just as well as any dedicated action game, but it’s an open world RPG-lite. Just amazing.
I *loved* the new Tomb Raider games, so I’m loving how similar a lot of the mechanics in Horizon are to that, but I have to say that the combat feels so much better in Horizon than any game I’ve played recently. It’s so fluid and responsive that you really feel like a badass.
Game looks great but one thing I don’t like is the headdresses and I get the idea: use machine parts to make native looking attire but my lord some of them look stupid.