Listen: I’m not against interracial relationships. I mean, it couldn’t be me
Listen: I’m not against interracial relationships. I mean, it couldn’t be me
“Know better” how, exactly? That a word used by one group is totally fine but horribly racist if uttered by another? The word either has power or it doesn’t, and that particular community needs to either accept this fact or just stop using it completely because it’s BS.
I was interested in this until I saw the price tag. I’d rather buy a new set and have the local paint shop mix me up a rattle can of Ford Flame Blue circa 2011 and paint them myself before swapping out the old set.
Glad you got the result you wanted, though. Always a good feeling.
F Plague Dogs. If memory modification a la Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind ever becomes a real thing, I will scrub having ever watched that POS movie from my neurons permanently. F that movie and the book it was based on. F the creative monster that came up with it.
Front passenger side strut is leaking and need to be replaced, so I may as well replace all four. I’ve known about it since last April. I’ve watched the how-to videos on Youtube a hundred times and feel confident about it. I have all the tools except an good impact wrench which I can just borrow from AutoZone anyway.…
Because we do, when it is done this well? I’m a 40 year old dude with a wife and three kids, and I was squee’ing like a 13 year old girl over that trailer. I wanted to share it with my daughters but was afraid dad liking it would instantly invalidate it for them, which would be a shame.
All the stars, All for you.
Based on the comment forums here, on the youtube channel and Reddit, you’re in the minority with that opinion. LiS > LiS: Before the Storm > LiS2.
Came here to say the same thing. It’s funny how DeckNine had such a better grasp on what made the first LiS so impactful for fans than the actual studio behind said game, but when you compare LiS2 to Before the Storm and now given what we saw in this trailer, how can you have any other impression but that exactly?
It’s interesting how DeckNine totally ate donTnod’s lunch with Before the Storm, which was much, more enjoyable than it had any right to be as a one-off prequel, and a thousand times more enjoyable than LiS2 which just face planted for me. I was pretty meh about the news a new LiS game was coming until I learned…
5th Gear: Suck it, cabbies. You created your own problems by colluding with organized crime and promoting market manipulation to ensure your control of the ride hail industry and keep costs high. It’s not the little guy immigrants that are suffering, as they long since moved onto driving for Lyft and Uber rather than…
Yes he was. Don’t even kid yourself on that. They may have given him a golden parachute but they absolutely pushed him out the GD window right afterwards.
Went to an Antebellum themed party, where people dressed up in old timey southern clothes. There were POC also dressed up in said old timey clothes at that same party, but we don’t talk about that apparently as it would ruin the “THEM’S RACIST” narrative.
You’d think the fact she is actively courting a POC man on…
4th Gear: Anyone that’s seen a lithium mine in person knows making more batteries isn’t going to solve sh*t for the environment.
Seriously we need to find new battery tech that doesn’t require open strip mining with toxic runoff that makes the surrounding air about as pleasant to breathe as a truck stop bathroom.
Lost me at “Start Slideshow.”
Can we just not with that anymore?
1) Glad you’re safe.
2) I’m legit surprised you didn’t do this back when you took that electric loaner out on icy mountain roads. Even in Alaska we don’t take our bikes out between November and April, and admittedly we’re kind of crazy so that should tell you something.
3) Glad you’re safe.
Oh my beloved 1984 regular cap shortbox F-150 with 351 Modified V8. With your blown rear struts, cracked windshield and so-loose steering wheel that I could turn you a quarter to the left before the wheels responded an inch, you were my favorite deathtrap ever. You got me through senior year and well into my third…
Shovel-ready was supposed to address most of this, but instead the majority of the money was embezzled away in one form or another. In my state 80% of the funds that were earmarked for repairing various bridges was instead spent on “studies into how best to spend the funds,” with the remaining 20 going towards filling…
Or don’t, because this thing is complete trash and there are better options available to under hundred bucks right now.
Or don’t, because this thing is complete trash and there are better options available to under hundred bucks right…
So this dude went full Karen on some customers, didn’t get the response he wanted, so then lectured his boss yet still didn’t get the response he wanted. He then penned a letter which did get a response from corporate, but again not the response he wanted.
As anyone who has ever had a coworker or employee like this…