
When you read the headline, and immediately know 1) what the article is about and 2) how the author feels about the situation.
The biggest opposition I have seen to this issue isn’t from The Right or religious groups, rather women athletes that feel it is unfair to be competing against men in women’s clothing. Do the

I assume where you live has a better road maintenance system than many parts of the US, specifically Alaska and the Pacific Northwest.
Lack of AWD is deal breaker for me because FWD vehicles can lose traction almost as easily as RWD vehicles on steep grades in the hours and sometimes days between visits from the Sand

That’s fine. I’ve been ordering through the app exclusively the rare, rare times I’ve gotten fast food over the last three years anyway. It has reduced the chances of my order getting messed up down to almost zero and not having to yell my order three times over a janky speaker makes things much easier.
Sorry to the

Meters? I thought they were measured in Yards. Don’t see much happening at the 50 meter line, do ya?

No, it really shouldn’t have. Nissan isn’t really known for making attractive vehicles but this thing takes Fugly to a whole new level. 

Neutral month. 

Fourth Gear: So Ford got a bad batch of glass glue, and now needs to reinstall the windshields that were installed with that bad batch. BFD. Same thing happened to me a decade ago when Speedy emailed me two years after they’d replaced the windshield in my ‘04 Ascender because the glue they’d used was recalled, and

What exactly about any of this vehicle is “retro?” The raked rear window with winglet flare was ripped off from the Q7/8, the cluster display is a fatter version of the Mach-E, the boring AF minimal interior looks like every Tesla Model 3/Y I’ve ever seen and the sharp edges on the body screams “CyberTruck.”
It’s like

Automatic DRL’s, sure. Headlights? No.

Um. I prefer to improve crash survival by AVOIDING the crash in the first place. For which, the former matters much more to me than the latter. What you justify it with is just a side effect as far as I’m concerned, frankly. 

Reduced road noise is a factor of how much sound dampening material the manufacturer installed, not the amount of glass. Some cars have always been better about this than others.

Likewise, people who use their 4x4's for offroad purposes such as yourself make up a small percentage of all Jeep, Subaru and 4Runner owners.
Sure is nice to have that capability when you need it though, ain’t it?

I’ve purchased six cars from dealerships. I haven’t been detained once. I did have to wait the first time because it takes then for-effing-EVER to process paperwork, but after that I learned my lesson. The next five times I told them to have the paperwork ready when I got there and made sure they already had copies of

You know what I would like? To be able to walk into a dealership, sit in the vehicles, pop the hood and truck, crawl around the back seat adjusting the different options to maximize cargo space etc, and just be left TF alone by any and all salesmen until I approach them. I am very much a tactile, in my own head sort

No idea what this story is about but King Ezran approves of those jelly tarts. 

Don’t look at me. I’ve got a mountain of photos to edit before flying out tomorrow while keeping an eye on the kids because the wife is on for 13 hours today trying to untangle the unholy mess the weekend of storms caused in SEA, PDX and parts of Texas. 

Ok but you’re completely wrong. Something young celebrities, especially comedians, have all said about Carson is that he was a wonderfully gracious host. If he felt like you were nervous and locking up, or could see you were visibly floundering, he used humor to pull you back out of your shell and look endearing to

Coming into MSP back in ‘10 or ‘11, our flight started circling instead of landing. About 20 minutes in the pilot came over the PA and announced we were waiting for VP Biden’s plane to land as he was in town for some fundraiser and airspace would be closed until he was down and away from his plane. An hour later we

Sounds like they hit a wind shear on final approach and the pilot was trying to make light of it.
Even seasoned ex-military pilots don’t for a second forget where there are when sitting in the cockpit of a civilian heavy aircraft. 

Yeeeeah but there is a lot more to that story than you are letting on. Carpenter knew the terms of her employment but decided to try to get pregnant anyway (she herself has been vocal about it being intentional and not an accident) but was then shocked when he announcement was met with hard faces in the studio office.