
On average it takes three days for an airframe to go from “parked” to “cleared to fly.” Maintenance treats the process the same way they do receiving a brand new aircraft. They go through EVERYTHING, assuring all control surfaces are tuned, lubed and functioning normally, engines are similarly tuned and inspected

1) Travel is ALWAYS slow in January. It’s right after the holidays so for the most part pleasure travel falls off a cliff, as does business travel. It picks up again around this time because of Valentine’s Day and then Spring Break. z

My daughter works in flight operations for a major airline. They have the same sort of software installed on her terminal as well. This is why she has her home laptop setup next to her work computer on her desk for things like personal surfing, email etc. She doesn’t give two shits about it because as far as her

Yeah except most fleet vehicles have cameras already, Shiv. Walmart started installing them back in 2016, and FedEx did the same last year. Every company with a large fleet has or is moving towards installing these sorts of cameras into every single vehicle. Not only are they good for employee accountability but they

Ugh with these BS hot takes on a reasonable move towards safety and accountability. Funny how these sorts of cameras have been in place in public transit, taxis and shuttle vans for about a decade now and you didn’t say Boo about it, but now that Amazon is doing it after realizing “hey, we kind of created a monster

And I couldn’t give less of a F about it if I tried.
More proprietary locked down nonsense that will throw a middle finger to Right to Repair, on a scale never before seen, like only Apple can do.
Replace your own battery? Bricked. Buy tires from somewhere other than Apple directly? Receive a warning message everytime

Love... and throwing individual employees under the bus.
It’s what makes a Subaru, a Subaru. 

“my entire act is a pastiche of older, better artists and adds nothing to them but omnipresent commercial cynicism”

My 2011 F-150, and many vehicles since then, have this wonderful feature called “auto dimming mirrors.” It’s a five dollar solution that kicks the sh*t out of this 3000 dollar nightmare. 

You’ve never tried to park a fleet of large vehicles in a single lot before, have you? I have, having worked for a motorhome rental and dealership business in my 20's. It’s not easy, even when said lot is just a huge open space surrounded by fences. Now imagine filling said lot with large expensive obstructions, one

Funding isn’t the problem, allocation is. The amount of money going to schools these day (even factoring inflation) is obscene compared to what schools received 20 years ago when I graduated, yet nationally the graduating average of seniors has actually gone down year over year.
The issue isn’t money, rather where and

Can we bitch about the stupid as hell steering wheel instead? I mean I thought KITT was badass when I was 5, but when I got to sit inside one of the “hero” cars a few years back I realized how much it would suck to actually drive daily with that style wheel. 

Cultural Appropriation. Have you watched Anime, or any sort of Japanese/Korean production lately? 90% of it is made up of shit appropriated from other cultures. Likewise Ballywood, which is nothing but appropriation in the form out outright ripoffs.
Gwen embraced harajuku girls because they so thoroughly embraced her

... so you’re pissed at a heterosexual woman singing about her heterosexual romances?

I don’t even know what to do with that mentality other than weep for the future. 

I know you thoroughly hate Ford, Raph, but I’m completely fine with them taking extra time making sure EVERY delivery is up to snuff BEFORE handing the keys over to the new owners. I would much rather wait an extra month or two for my new vehicle than spend the next couple of years praying to God something broke

Nope, nuclear. Google it. 

Neil Degrasse Tyson gave an excellent speech at an event I was photographing a couple years back in Germany, and when someone brought up “the dangers of Nuclear Power” when compared to other projects like the coastal windfarms in the Netherlands etc, he replied in a very scientific way essentially “go ahead and google

Yeah I cringed at that too. The only time using a crescent wrench for anything under the hood or chassis is appropriate is at 2am, in the dark on the side of the highway. Otherwise borrow the right tool from a friend or the auto store. In this day and age there’s no excuse for not having the right equipment on a

Not a thing wrong with that. Refreshers ensure you do it right. Easiest way to F up an “easy” job is too much overconfidence. I’ve done at least 6 brake swaps now in the last ten years, and I ALWAYS start each one by watching a good youtube video twice before getting started. 

100% this. Most vehicles these days larger than a Geo Metro have 8 lugs, and times 4 that’s a lot of ratcheting by hand. The only thing I changed between the first brake job and the second was borrowing a decent impact wrench. I’d buy one but I just don’t have enough need for one to justify the cost.