
Yup. I was surprised by how easy it was the first time I replaced the brakes on my ‘05 F-150. The only tools I needed that I didn’t already own were a breaker bar and a C Clamp large enough to push the pistons on the calipers back in. Basically I accomplished in an afternoon a swap that cost half what the mechanic

So your point here is “just like any other task, always double check your work before putting everything back together?”
You meant to single out brakes I’m sure, but really you could potentially F up your engine by not properly tightening the clamps after replacing your car battery, so you run a similar risk with any

That’s nice. Too bad JD Power is a shell of its former self. Case in point: Alaska Airlines won the JD Power Award for Best Airlines 11 years in a row, up until 2020 that is. In 2019 JD Power, under pressure from Southwest, changed the manner it weighs scores and eliminated the Low Cost category in which it and others

Fourth Gear:

Go over what they repaired with the tech who did the repair before I pay a dime. I know it irritates them and I try to be as nice about it as possible, but I’ve had too many instances of things not being fixed or being fixed wrong to not take a few minutes of their time to verify everything before I drive off the

Seriously, it’s that simple.

Seriously has no one heard of the iDatalink Maestro module? With minimal wiring you can retain ALL the factory features while gaining access to the digital inputs from all your sensors when paired with a compatible head unit.
You buy the module and the vehicle-specific harness, connect the module to your computer to

Whatever Zendaya is paying her agent, it’s not enough.
They have to be the hardest working MOFO on the planet.

I’m 40, and I’ve loved the shit out of this movie since the first time I saw it in theaters. 

.... no, if the driver is angry at the cyclist, it is because the cyclist almost died and tried to make the driver’s vehicle their involuntary method of exit from this mortal coil. 

In the current times, where my commute takes me through the center of town, not a day goes by where I don’t have to dodge idiot commuters on bikes as they weave in and out of their lane, blow through stop lights and signs without bothering to check cross traffic and generally act like the world owes them a favor.

Awww, two things I don’t care about in one article. Jalopnik weekend edition is starting extra extra.

I’d rather fun die at Smart than anyone stupid enough to climb into one of their rolling coffins. Jesus these things scare me. 

1st Gear: I’m sorry it’s causing disruptions for automakers now, but the very fact it is should be proof enough that we have been relying on Chinese chip manufacturers far too much lately. The best chips in the world used to come from Texas, but a couple decades later and barely anyone remembers the likes of MOS and

It’s just you. It looks ugly AF with those tiny tires and huge swoopy body styling. 

In a similar metric, motorcycle deaths are up where I live as well, mostly due to idiots riding like idiots and not wearing a helmet. I’m not a fan of anyone dying, but when you make it too easy for something to go wrong and then don’t do the minimum to protect yourself, you only have yourself to blame. 

Neutral: it would take a reasonable price point (comparable to the ICE model it is replacing) that is essentially a part for part swap other than the powertrain of course. I look at the EV’s available today and they just look like an iPad with wheels from hell. Tesla? F Tesla. The Series 3/Y/CyberTruck are what you’d

How do you steal a Tesla? Some idiot had to leave his keys in the Tesla and then walk away for someone to steal it.
If I were that judge I’d have a hard time upholding that charge because if you’re that stupid and have your things stolen by someone as if not more stupid, then by all means you deserved it.
Speaking of

I would be fine with the dealer network dying. Have one or two maker-operated showrooms and maintenance shops every 50 miles or so, have staff on hand with demo vehicles for test drives and let buyers order directly. No more haggling, no more BS doc fees and “let me check with my manager” nonsense.
The last three

MF THIS, right here. I rearrange my schedule to have my vehicle at the shop 20 minutes before they open just to be sure it is the ready to be worked on first thing, and I’ll be damned if when I call back to check on the progress 5 hours later “they’re getting to it next.” TF?!
The entire maintenance scheduling system