
I missed my connection out of SEA Christmas Eve because my flight out of LAX was late thanks to some random chucklefuck that had to make a scene over masks. I sent the video I caught with my phone to Alaska’s twitter account because the onboard staff showed him much, much more patience than he had any right to and I

I wish I had the time this man probably spends looking at himself in the mirror added to my day. Oh the things I could accomplish. Hell the 20 minutes I drop reading and commenting here has already put me behind schedule as it is.

You’re aware he was probably fired if that camera was broken, yeah? 

You’re aware this has been an ongoing tug of war in all modern aviation, particularly with Airbus, for over three decades now yeah?
This isn’t the first case of automation flying a plane into the ground, and probably won’t be the last. 

.... except it absolutely can. Pushing the engines further forward has a tendency to bring the nose up. You know how you correct that? By adjusting the trim down, or ya know, putting gentle appropriate pressure forward on the yoke.
Changing the flight characteristics of an aircraft /= aerodynamically unstable. Wanna

That single integrated display is the one reason I won’t be buying a Tesla, not until they put a GD dash display with bare minimum a speedometer in my direct line of sight. I want to know what exactly is the benefit in Elon’s mind of having to look down and to the right to check my speed, versus quickly ducking my

He actually kind of did. Like all presidents, he campaigned on cleaning up DC and making those folks accountable to the little people. It’s the same rehashed BS every election, the only thing that changes are the semantics depending on which target demo they’re aiming at.
Motherfucker also tried to change the

Um. Have you not noticed other major manufacturers doing the exact same thing, then? I was grumpy when Ford decided to kill off the Fusion, as I have loved that design since it began life over a decade ago as the Mondeo, but it’s stupid for a company to continue burning money and resources on a contracting market

First Gear:

This was cute. This is also nothing like what changing the ATF in my 2011 F-150 or my wife’s 2009 Isuzu Ascender entails. Don’t laugh, that thing is a V8-packing beast.
Gcodori beat me to the point about making sure your vehicle is level when filling this sort of trans.
Also: guys, invest in a quality breaker bar and

K. .... who?
I know you guys have been really scraping the barrel to put as many “racing” stories as possible on Jalopnik lately, but did you steal this story from Jezebel? 

... maybe in your market. The only folks I see driving Mustangs here in Idaho are 30 something military and 20 something tech workers at Micron or HP. The Boomers are all driving trucks and SUV’s. 

I’d imagine the volume controls on the steering wheel would continue to work just fine, so no, that doesn’t concern me.
I haven’t adjusted the volume from the radio directly in about a decade, so I think the thing is redundant in the first place anyway. I assume it’s purpose is aesthetic and to assuage old folks who

The wheel turns. Boeing will get through this and be back on top soon enough.
Funny how you feature the A380 in this article, as that thing has been a financial disaster for Airbus. They tried to talk airlines into abandoning the tried and true hub and spoke strategy. They failed. They promised passengers the 380

Yeah if your argument here is on behalf of the kids, you’re barking up the wrong statistical tree.

Yeah. I know it’s shocking to folks like you that some of us not only get along with our extended family but indeed actually ENJOY spending time with them, but it is a thing whether you grasp that or not.

No, they don’t. That’s why people stopped buying them and the brand died in North America. They’re garbage death traps designed for a world where they are the only thing on the road. 

“Trendy” is all they ever were. Idiots and influencers jumped onto the bandwagon early because of that fact. When new owners quickly realized that age old truth that “having wasn’t always as precious a thing as wanting,” the bloom quickly fell off the rose and the fad died.
I hadn’t seen one in years until this

... So she still died of severe asthma she suffered from since birth, but now they’re blaming pollution years later because politics have changed?
This is more an extreme example of moving the goalpost than a damning indictment on man-made pollution.
Also: this clickbait belongs on that Earther rag, not Jalopnik. 

No idea. The only entity in my home that is interested in watching things go around in a circle for a couple hours is my cat. The rest of us lost interest after a minute or two.