
If you were only getting 11mpg on the highway you don’t know how to drive. When I moved from Alaska to Idaho, traversing the Yukon on the way down through Canada, I was averaging 14/15mpg at 70-75mph with five people, two dogs, a bed full of heavy boxes while towing a three horse slant Circle J trailer loaded up like

I drive a crew cab with a 5.5 foot bed, the smallest available. I guaran-GD-tee I can carry at least twice what your Forrester can and still have a whole backseat to pack in more. Oh and I can do it all while driving the speed limit, something the vast majority of Subaru drivers seem to struggle with for some reason. 

That’s at latest an ‘86 F-250. MY ‘87 brought about the rounded edges on the body, and a complete redesign of the front as well.
I keep forgetting this is a car page, not a truck page.

I like how they’re magically living an opulent lifestyle on absolutely nothing as he’s been unemployed for almost 2 years and she doesn’t seem to be working either, yet it’s the purchase of a Lexus that tipped things over. There was at least 5 grand put into those Christmas decorations and gifts.
SNL writers really

Thanks for rectifying this article by posting an actually funny video. 

Typical modern SNL skit: interesting premise, garbage execution that goes on way, way too long.

.... functioning adult? Dude can’t even talk. He’s as mentally muddled as democrats love to joke about Reagan being in his second term. I like Biden well enough, but if he makes it all the way to the end of his term I’m going to lose a lot of bets.

You’re not the only one. I love my F-150 but I have some friends who bought the new Ranger and have been very complimentary of it so out of curiosity I got one as a rental in June when visiting the wife’s parents (elderly with health issues, we go up there every summer so the kids can visit and I can take care of

Not sure where you live, but here in Idaho it’s the exact opposite. The Tacos are all prettied up toys, with color matched body panels, expensive aftermarket LEDS and lightbars, whereas the Rams, F-150's and 1500's are all family and work vehicles. Was the same in Alaska before I moved here. The only Tacos that match

Interesting timing on this one, as I spent 20 minutes yesterday pulling my new California neighbor’s bitch ass little suped up Taco out of the ditch after he took the 20mph turn onto our road doing his usual California 40mph. Difference is Boise got it’s first real snow this weekend, and icy roads by and large aren’t

You can go ahead and skip to 2:30 in the video, when he starts to actually talk about the damn subject of the video.

Also: where the hell is the Buick Electra. Good Christ that is a sexy looking automobile. 

The insane part is how much money she spent to look that cheap. And I don’t mean in a sexual way, I mean she literally looks like every other woman I’ve seen rocking this style, except they paid 1/1o0th what she did at Walmart.
It’s like when the middle class wants to play hippie dress up for awhile when they head out

Not this POS right here, that’s for sure.
You know what car I’d trade my left testicle for? First vehicle I ever owned: a 1989 Ford Bronco XLT with the 351 5.8L Windsor V8.
I loved that thing, saved up from Freshman to Senior year, finally having enough to buy it with cash the week I graduated from a mechanic who’s

Cool. Now do it in a fully loaded full sized truck carrying a family of five plus groceries and a dog, in four inches of unplowed snow and 5 o’clock traffic.
Then sit down, Junior. The adults who grew up in snow country need to get home and start dinner. 

McDonalds, like most chains, closes early on Christmas Eve and are completely closed on Christmas. For less fortunate folks on a budget, or parents running around doing last minute errands, fast food shops like McDonalds are a godsend.
Jesus, people who grew up with a silver spoon in their ass really don’t know a damn

Non-Dairy, huh? Fake ice cream for a fake social justice warrior. Perfect. 

Yeah let’s blame this on the GOP, not the democrat party that has spent all summer stonewalling the process by jamming each proposal full of unrelated pork and stipulations that have nothing to do with the current crisis, that they full well knew the GOP would never agree to.
So, so tired of two party system politics

Uh, yeah. They were already in trouble before all of this Pandemic business started due to mismanagement and bad deals made with greedy studios after a summer of high profile flops. You want the government to intervene? How’s bout they pass a bill ensuring that when big businesses like this fail, the combined salary

Ugh you remind me of this whiny college kid on my last flight that pitched a fit about having to sit in the back by the bathrooms because he didn’t know he could pre-select a seat and other airlines didn’t do that stampede-on-to-grab-a-seat BS Southwest does. “I didn’t know I had to pick a seat!” 

... why didn’t you just reserve your seats early like everyone else? You can do it via multiple apps or at the theater itself day and date. Sorry this didn’t work out for you, but as a father of three little kids, being able to pre-reserve seats instead of having to camp out an hour and a half before showtime with a