
“Intervene” why? It’s a GD movie theater, not an essential service of any kind. There are a thousand and one things AMC could have done before now to mitigate this situation, but they chose not to. I’m sure everyone in upper management has been receiving a full salary all summer and bonuses haven’t been suspended,

Meh. I’m still pissed about Saving Private Ryan losing best picture to F’ing Shakespeare in Love, in a decision clearly purchased one way or another by Harvey Weinstein. Sometimes you just gotta get over it and move on. 

Candace Owens is a lot of things, but a GD puppet for anyone isn’t one of them, Ash.
You’re free to disagree with her, but accusing her of being a tool for someone else’s agenda and not the product of her own mind, will and choices is some sexist, racist bullshit.
And please, don’t pretend that it doesn’t just piss

I have flown on several A310's and A320's in the last decade despite the fact both killed the shit out of hundreds of people when they first began operation due to design defects. People love to forget that fact because it’s been so long since it happened, but it did happen. Those defects were addressed, corrected,

You clearly haven’t flown in awhile. American, United and Southwest stopped blocking the middle seat on their flights because they needed the room. 

You’re wrong. Airbus AC have a more rounded nose. That’s the easiest way to tell them apart from Boeing AC at a distance. 

Radwood has an office here in town that I travel to most days. It’s mostly a warehouse with a small 150 sqft mezzanine office for me to use. My wife and I share it occasionally, and it has my workout equipment.

First Gear: Obesity is a problem. We’ll solve it by banning eating. Great thought process there, Raph.

Neutral: Mach-E or a Polestar 2. Why? Because both actually look like consumer grade vehicles and not toys, like most EV’s, and the interiors also look like cars without the no dash instrumentation BS Tesla has

“*only* 148,000 miles.”
Yeah nothing about that thing looks like it’s something it isn’t. I hate everything about it besides the color. You paid good money for a side project the previous owner got bored with, and cared so little about it took them years to dispose of. Yay?

Right? How dare old people refuse to get on with their dying already. 

This is a massive waste, and won’t be realistic until they design a vehicle that can fling what it captures into a deteriorating orbit where it will eventually burn up instead of sacrificing the entire capture vehicle. 

5th Gear: Yeah don’t get your hopes up, Raph. A large scale project like that would never fly here in the US, as we would burn through that 15 billion 15 year timeline fighting court battles with eco-idiots who were desperate to stop such a line encroaching on 1/10th of the natural habitat of the duck-billed

Not really “mind blowing.” This is how ship builders have been refurbishing and retrofitting large vessels for over a century. Replacing coal fired boilers with oil, removing and replace nuclear reactors on subs and aircraft carriers etc. I’m guessing you’re just new to the world of large ship maintenance. 

Fourth Gear: So we can all now openly admit that auto unions have been a huge barricade to the development and deployment of modern electric vehicles, yeah?
I mean we’ve been forced to pretend groups like the UAW and such are all establishments of good for the world without any potential downsides or need for outside

... and? 1) That literally wasn’t his department. He designed the rockets, but had no influence on where or how they were built, 2) Would it make you feel better if that slave labor was employed at a munitions factory instead? One way or another that was going to be their lot in life thanks to Hitler and his

What loss in productivity? That’s what he was just saying: employers are discovering that their staff can work remotely without any appreciable loss of productivity. As someone who has worked remotely for over a decade, keeping people in the same building for most jobs is more of a tradition/ego thing than anything

You’re saying an overpriced POS that doesn’t stack up well to the competition isn’t just flying off the lot? Well I am just shocked!

So your solution is to remove those jobs completely without offering a better alternative? Back when I was sleeping in my car for 8 months and taking day labor jobs pushing a broom of shoveling sidewalks I would have KILLED for something like Uber/Lyft/Doordash. It is hilarious/disgusting/insulting when people who

I dunno, I’d ask the Taxi lobby if they got their money’s worth before making an assertion like that. 

Google “slave labor,” because clearly you do not understand the term or the reality of said term if you think driving for Uber is “slave labor.”