Goldie cheated on him and flounted their custody arrangement but as usual with Jez rich white woman will be untouchable.
Goldie cheated on him and flounted their custody arrangement but as usual with Jez rich white woman will be untouchable.
Floyd Mayweather is a lot of terrible things, and because of that, he will never get respect for being a master boxer. This post, whatever it is, is proof of that, as now we have people who clearly know very little about boxing are now determining what makes someone a coward in the ring. He fights…
Even after Merlan apologized for her errors in reporting the UVA hoax, she still wrote an article where she insulted a fellow journalist who found holes in Emma’s story, being dismissive and calling the journalist a liar. So she didn’t learn anything from the UVA hoax, and likely this story will prove her wrong again.
How are you even allowed to write on this subject after you were exposed to be a petulant child with no ability to reason logically after the UVA hoax?
"Don't forget the highly publicized funeral of 14-year-old Emmett Till, who was lynched in Money, Mississippi, was held in 1955—within the lifetime of my parents, not just my grandparents."
It's kind of messed up to mention Till without noting that his father was a serial rapist and murderer, because the actions of…
Don't you know? Jez hates nothing more than old white guys, so they might as well go full retard, and slip in some white privilege. It just wouldn't be pretend journalism without it.
Bahahahaha, oh my god, you're like a parody of SJWs to see how far you can get them to agree to complete and utter inane bullshit as long as you dangle bait words like "Western racism."
It took them three hits with the sword, and she was given nothing to dull the pain, such as painkillers. But that sounds really humane! Fuck western racism!!!
Actually the majority of home schooled kids test higher and progress faster than kids in regular school.
The Duggars? The Duggars?! You don't like the Obama's parenting because they let their TEENAGE GIRLS listen to Beyoncé who u see as " a sex object". But you respect Jim-Bob subtly pimping out HIS daughters while simultaneously keeping them on a leash about as long as his dick, not to mention using his Stepford Wife as…
Weirdly enough, I think Lena gets so much hate from the SJWs because she is almost who they want her to be—and there's no rage quite like the rage of disappointment. She is self-aware enough to point out her own imperfections (which gives the SJW ammunition)—because Jesus Christ, I have never seen someone apologize so…
I will not be Tone Policed. My opinions are resolute and I come from a position of infallibility. If you continue to challenge me I will so punch up at please give me some of your candy or your kitten.
Sorry Lena, as a privileged white abled cis woman you're not "owed" a safe space. These are the domains of the higher rungs of the oppressed hierarchy. That said, for a nominal donation to the Rainbow Action Network we'll provide access to a safe space between 4 - 6 on Tues.
Really? As bad as murdering a 10 year old girl? You really think that is the same as some right-wing yahoo spouting off on Fox?
Yeah, I thought Jezebel thought this kind of female employment was "empowering"? Leo is such a feminist. Big thumbs up.
I haven't seen the Matrix since it came out, so as the plane flies over my head, please do explain to me why I'm "redpilling". Leo D. doing this isn't news, & if I was dating or married to someone substantially younger (I've done one of those), or entertaining a harem of 20 yr. old male underwear models, & anyone said…
Male or female, complaining publicly about your job or your boss just makes you look like a lousy employee. If I was hiring writers, I certainly would not be inclined to hire this woman.
Sorkin is right. He's a dick, but he's right. It's not about violating confidentiality per se, but about not feeling like anything you say in a writers' room might end up on someone's lame and whiny Twitter feed. I've worked on TV shows, I don't think it ever even needed to be said you don't publicly scold your…