
In Alan Tudyk’s voice.

They do that shit with EVERYTHING. If they like wolves, they’ll feel in their heart of hearts that they are really a wolf. Or a vampire. Or a resurrected Knight of the Round Table. Or a tree. Or a combination of all of them. Feeling that one is Filipino is the next step. Everything is free for the taking.

No matter the affiliation, it’s a conspiracy.

I know it’s bullshit because not once did she pronounce a “V” as a “B”. What she has is a straight up fetishization of Filipino culture, much in the same way I really thought Australia was cool when I was a kid. Sure, I tried using some Aussie phrases I learned in a book (with zero success), but not once did I think,

The weird part is the “I asked them first.” as if that justifies this bonkers shit. It probably went “Hey can I pull my dick and and punch the clown?” “Wait, what did you just-?” “Ok, thanks” *Out comes Little Louie*.

This ain’t even the worst of it. The worst is all the Alabama GOP members supporting him IN SPITE of the allegations, all because Party is more important.

Love that Shuri poster with her Panther fists. Let’s just go ahead and make the sequel with her as Black Panther.

Ah. There’s the other excuse: The story’s not good enough/compelling.

Even more frustrating is when they try to act all conciliatory and recommend we create new characters and new stories, knowing they have no intention of watching/reading those stories. Plus they’ll complain that they can’t relate or that it’s “too much about race” or somehow their “suspension of disbelief” was broken

Are there any lawyers that can weigh in on this? Why wasn’t she charged with assault, considering the victim became sick likely due to her actions?

Add that to the list.

Bless you.

Now playing

I’ve been stuck in the Upside Down with these grey mofos for ages. Maybe I misspelled a word or had some awkward sentence structure. I just want to say:

If I have to be shot, I hope it’s in the body armor I’m wearing because I don’t want to be shot.

Holy crap that entire line is nuts but a sterling silver paperclip for $165 is even worse. A tin can is hard to lose but who is gonna keep track of an expensive paperclip?

I just skimmed the list to make sure Coming to America was on it.

It comes off as a threat every damned time.

Oh she’s an asshole. But truth be told, she’s the right kind of asshole. Unfortunately, with our current Congress, she wouldn’t get much done. On the other hand, all those damaging cabinet appointments and executive orders wouldn’t exist either.

Didn’t Magic Grandpa sign one of those agreements too and then decide he didn’t want to put any money into it? He kept all his money to himself.

For the GOP and corporations, people are the product. If you cut their supply and it’s not on their terms, they have a problem.