I don’t know why, but a stoned warthog just makes sense.
I don’t know why, but a stoned warthog just makes sense.
John-Boy is drawing a thin and, quite honestly, flaky line between the two.
“If you don’t want to have a baby,” *pops a viagra* “you shouldn’t have sex.” *texts mistress that the hearing is running long & he’ll be late* “I don’t know why that is so difficult to comprehend” *pats congressional aide’s knee in a “friendly” manner* “You want all of the fun and none-” *texts from misteress* “of…
My little girl started yelling “Help” as I was taking her out of a Barnes and Noble when she was 3ish. That shit ain’t cool and I told about herself once I got her into her car seat. This father lived out my worst fear.
As Miss Jackson asks “What have you done for me LATELY?”
A lot of dealers do exactly what you describe. They can mark a car down from MSRP to invoice, note that there are additional incentives available AND include a button to request an “Internet Price”. It looks much better than “call for price” and doesn’t seem to deter customers one bit.
That shit was a racist combo platter. He went for the “Any Color”/ “Best Friend is Black” Sampler with an order of extra racism on the “Best Friend”.
The only thing we blow up down here is our blood sugar levels.
Amazon’s last idea was a set of locker/p.o. box type things stationed outside of a grocery store. I don’t know if that’s better or worse.
How do you even pronounce X-brother’s name up there?
Can we check with Megan McArdle and make sure this qualifies? Don’t want to cry wolf again and upset the anglos.
That’s some fucking shit because there would have to be some indication that Ben Carson is a good leader. He OBVIOUSLY wasn’t a good enough leader to win an election. Shit, he can barely lead his eyelids to open enough for him to see.
Fireworks on Halloween?
If anyone tries to trick or treat this weekend because Halloween is Tuesday, they are wrong. They can just stand their with their empty bag and think about how wrong they are.
Exactly what I was thinking. “No one is visiting, so we might as well lease the land. As a matter of fact, I have just the Corpo-people in mind.”
I love that there are so many more visible black superheroes now. They can be Luke and Storm and Black Panther, of course, but now there’s a black woman in the gold and red iron armor, a black man (and woman) Captain America, Spider-Man, a Flash, a “Robin” (sorta) even a black Superman. It feels good
My kid chooses this seat exclusively because it sits slightly higher and she likes to see out the front. And to criticize my radio station choices.
There must be something on that menu that is just that good.
“the slur wasn’t directed at any person in particular”
And let the church say, AMEN!