There is definitely an employment crisis among white folks. So many out of work stand up comedians and performance artists, forced to try their routines out in the wild instead of on stage. The poor things.
There is definitely an employment crisis among white folks. So many out of work stand up comedians and performance artists, forced to try their routines out in the wild instead of on stage. The poor things.
Presumably, players on the Utah Jazz have to live in state at least part of the time.
G’damn Chappelle show is bleeding into reality.
The best part of this will be seeing black children sporting Panther gear and realizing they too, can be heroes, in ways that Falcon and WarMachine didn’t.
They split the difference and found a black dude named “Chad....wick”.
“She was trying to discipline an unruly child and maybe she didn’t use the best choice of words, but there was no racial intent or racial overtone,”
My main is a Half-orc Ranger and he’s the moral center of the party. Or he was. now that I’m DMing (and not playing my character), the party’s devolved into a bunch of self-serving ne’er-do-wells who are dragging down the one good aligned player left.
In 3.5 there was a Charisma and Intelligence penalty. They don’t have race-based stat penalties in 5.
Half-orc rangers represent! But, I didn’t know there were island orcs. That’s an interesting concept.
The sun never sets on the Knowles-Carter Empire.
I have to pour one out for all the L.A. Raiders hats ruined because of Jheri curls. Damn it, almost got some on my BKs.
So it’s pretty clear that Crews and Coates are friends or acquaintances of some sort, right? That has to be some sort of ethical or legal violation, isn’t it?
Hate burnt that hair off. It’s like Emperor Palpatine, getting hit with pure, concentrated evil just fucked his whole life up. Miller will take his final form when he’s 40.
The dude is one of those Dr. Who aliens that you forget as soon as you turn around because I swear this is the 3rd or 4th time this shitheel has been profiled and every time the writer (not you specifically) introduces him as something brand new. That’s how his bald ass hasn’t been fired yet but he’s probably one of…
We know police love their guns but how much training, outside of giving people arm bars, do they get at self-defense techniques? I’m not expecting them to be a cadre of martial arts experts but shit, they should be able to rely on more than a sig sauer or tazer on their hip.
Probably because some of the guys in the ATF are gun enthusiasts who want something like this for themselves. In essence, we hired foxes to regulate other foxes access to the henhouse.
The next time someone asks a stupid question about “bringing race into it”, they are getting a link to this article and a big middle finger.
Those big, fat liars with that edgelord shit.
The one I hear the most often: “I don’t care if you’re black, white, red, blue, polka-dotted, or striped...” or any version thereof. Though I suppose that’s a variant of “I don’t see color”.
We know bad people exist, but for some reason, we don’t want to believe they exist RIGHT NOW.