“Did they steal your bank account info?”
“Did they steal your bank account info?”
Or all the petroleum and chemical processing the make that polyester shirt and plastic components of their shoes. Who is doing the real environmental damage here?
Right wing talking heads: “If the Jews had been allowed to fight back, maybe things would’ve turned out differently.”
Also, if that photo is any indication, he’s guilty of plotting to kill the Ancient One and bring the dread Dormammu to Earth. He’s no one’s friend.
When they say black don’t crack, it is not a joke. She looks better than some 60 year olds.
I wonder if this dumb ass teacher reacts like this to everything thing.
I heard all the crazy coming out of his mouth but I was distracted by that little broken piece of hair dangling off his head.
Let’s see, Confederate flag, “slaves 4 sale” sign, sleeveless shirt, Harley, mullet, and using his mixed grandbabies as a shield? I think that gives me a racist BINGO.
We think alike and now you are my internet friend.
That is peak Becky, nevermind she basically started with “My name is _____ and I____”, the only way to start shit rap lyrics.
They’ve handwritten their detailed Yelp review and will post it when the power comes back on.
“Staff at Chelan County Emergency Management feel terrible that this inappropriate and hurtful post made it onto the Facebook page,”
This one sounds like a straight up scam instead of a poorly organized festival.
Is it just me or does he look older than Trump? He looks like evil is the only thing keeping his body from rotting apart.
Maybe, just maybe Bodak Yellow is trash but it gave us this so I can forget that
I don’t give a shit what some rich people say to keep their money. That’s on them so don’t with this “so many other biracials”. I’m one of those “biracials” and we know that we’re “niggers” (or spics, kikes, etc. Some white folk get confused when things aren’t so, ahem, black and white) as soon as we turn our backs.…
So we can put you down as a “No” for his funeral next week?
Man, I can’t tell you how great it is knowing that not only do white people hate you but black people don’t want you as well.
Didn’t she have a meeting with some MRA types about this very thing? Next she’ll be enacting some My Little Pony classes after talking to the Bronies.
Where the fuck do you buy five Klan hoods?