
So do they have a lookout or something to let Ivanka know her cue to Malibu Kramer her way into meetings or is it some gross Daddy-Danger Sense that guides her barging?

The only unions I’m ok with getting busted are the police unions. Once their toxic presence is removed, it’ll be tons easier to reform police departments and clean house.

THAT’S what mildly annoyed lynxes sound like? My wife & I make that noise when one tries to wake the other up early on the weekend.

There’s always that one coworker that WISHES they were your boss but they aren’t and you have to remind them constantly.

Again, this has Stephen Miller’s stink all over it. He needs to be the next to go but he’s so damn adept at staying under the radar most of the time.

She’s 14?! How much money are they giving her momma to let this girl run around like this?

There are lots of different corporations that make droids so you’ve pretty much hit the nail on the head.

I bet the detective thought if the supervisor heard his nurse screaming for help he’d relent and let them do whatever they wanted. Then the dick would let her go as if nothing happened.

Some people thought these sort of shenanigans would stop once Bannon was out but all of this shit is right in Stephen Miller’s wheelhouse. Unfortunately, people forget about him as long as he doesn’t step in front of a camera.

He’s got a ranch and his favorite movie is Lonesome Dove. Probably drives an F-150 too.

His cuntiness is only outmatched by his belt buckle.

Number one, hoss, you’re from fucking MISSOURI.

One of his clones was hanging out in Houston for a spell.

Nah. Don’t even put them in a museum. Take a photo and put that in the museum. Instead, melt down the statue and make new ones of people like Sojourner Truth.

At first, I thought to myself, “who in the hell goes to a Best Buy during a storm?” Then I remembered they have batteries and emergency radios. Still, if Best Buy doesn’t even normally carry cases of water, the employees who thought up this brilliant scheme should be out on their asses ‘cause they were probably going

Good to know.

Just for clarification, are Armenians not considered people of color? I’m never sure where the line is drawn. I suppose they straddle the line, butted up against Turkey and Eastern Europe the way they are.

‘Cause omitting “buffoon” would’ve made that tweet nicer. She better find herself a seat at The Cracker Barrel.

No you are not.

“America’s First Lady” as if we need to feed that family’ delusions of grandeur any further.