If that thing isn’t a protein slurry poured into a mold as an eventual host body for
Megyn KellyAnn Coulter
If that thing isn’t a protein slurry poured into a mold as an eventual host body for
Megyn KellyAnn Coulter
Dany doesn’t have a competent military strategist...yet. I think Sir Friendzone’s recovery from Grey Scale will see him becoming one of her generals and help turn the tide. That’s no knock on Grey Worm; he’s brilliant in the field but he need someone directing his spears. Plus, Jorah knows how to effectively field the…
Or Grabbity.
This is my “hooray, but you still a bitch” face.
The same people that tell Native Americans to “get over it” and remind them that they lost are often the same ones who fly a confederate flag and complain about erasing history.
So on top of one of the dirtiest of dick moves, that paltry sum ain’t even going to kids in the community. Is that right? Instead, it’s going to children of department employees? They can probably afford to send their kids to nice schools that don’t have to worry about their funding going away.
They have a series of these. I just saw one aimed at Asian & Pacific Islander teens that talks about addiction & long term damage symptoms, including slurred speech and memory loss. They gotta stop this scare tactics shit.
She ain’t taking anything but the seat she should’ve taken years ago. She’s head to head with someone making some actual policy. DeVos is taking this one.
Well there was the Malheur Wildlife Refuge Standoff just last year. I’d be surprised if it was the last. Still, I ain’t keeping a cop in my prayers so that he gets his McGriddle on time.
This is like in the movies when the bad guy banks on the good guy to be a straight-laced, goody two-shoes who won’t fight back only to get cold-cocked off the roof. This is that moment when they look all shocked and butt-hurt as they plummet to their death.
At this point, he really should just walk down 5th Avenue and open fire. What’s stopping him at this point?
Say it louder. This is all that matters.
Send Capaldi nudes.
We’re blind to a lot of things, as long as it has a good beat.
Can’t believe Coulter’s wretched ass didn’t make it on the list. I guess Tomi is replacing her after all.
I hope they place him in General Population and then he can see how tough the world really is.
I like this explanation.
Isn’t that the premise of that ABC show?
I’m pretty sure I heard him say his name was Sgt. Nguyen and if there’s one thing someone named Nguyen knows is that there is going to be a little more scrutiny when he has to put his brown hands on the Beckiest of Beckys.