
Everyone has a preference. I’ve used Ancestry and I found my birth father so it’s A-OK in my book.

I think the real question is: Did she ride in the coffin the whole time while her date rode in the front. Did she lay there with her arms crossed?

Seriously. If the hearse driver can roll out the g’damn top hat for this, she can at least death it up a little. She wanted to be different but not TOO different.

All lives matter because he’s going to eat all of them if they climb that beanstalk and try to steal his goose again.

Some thirsts are never quenched.

The fun part is that you usually don’t even know how much they are going to charge because they won’t say. All you know is “a lot”.

She smells weakness in Coulter and seeks her position so she’s trying to keep herself relevant by saying what ever incendiary shit she can.

“Nobody says ‘nigger,’” the teacher brushes off.

Good to know.

That’s kinda my point. It’s the kind of into they love to trot out when they are trying to take someone down a few pegs.

This is a book for people who love to mention that MLK was an adulterer.

Saw Gerrera started Rebel Lives Matter.

Does she need to put her hand on a bible or sign a document stating that fact? What is with this sudden need for people to hear the Clintons say in the “right way” that they aren’t running for office? Honestly, it’s that mindset that detrimental to the Democratic Party: “You didn’t really do anything wrong, but we

Here’s a link where she says just that. Seems like people lately don’t take either Clinton woman at their word and need their statements notarized and witnessed by two people and approved by a priest before they will believe it, though.

Glad somebody else caught that.

This is a really good story and something I plan to share with my young gamer. She’s growing up in a world where Twitch streams and periscopes are commonplace and doesn’t yet fully grasp the implications and possible consequences of living online. Of course, I’m not going to use this article to scare her or anything

Shit, man, don’t go to Home Depot for a machete. They will charge you through the nose. You could go to Harbor Freight and pick up a machete and everything else you need to start The Race Wars for under $20.

Donald Trump is another child who found the Zoltar fortune teller and became big...but he never changed back. Seriously, all of his conversations sound like the kid who’d tell you how his uncle worked at Nintendo and had codes where Mario used a gun and Samus was naked. And when you pressed him about it, he was sworn

“Circumstances beyond our control” “get everyone off the island SAFE”

The sadder part is that parts of the left will eat that nonsense up with a spoon and help spread it around.