“All in good fun” That’s why one of them is holding a “gun”.
“All in good fun” That’s why one of them is holding a “gun”.
<s>Yeah, if there was only one line I’d be cool but TWO lines? That’s like double the lines. How can a kid concentrate on math when some kid is sporting twice the allowed lines in their hair. Does the line mean something? Is the extra line for all the people he’s killed? OMG. It’s a gang symbol, it has to be. </s>
He’s like a sentient Nigerian scam email wearing a repainted Michael Myers mask.
What’s the male equivalent of the Maid, Mother & Crone? That’s what they are to “Libertarianism”.
Make. Him. Explain. The. Joke.
Look, if you want to be independent and vote for whoever matches your ideals and policies, that’s stellar. Go for it. That’s not the issue. The issue is when independents decide they should have a say in how a party operates and who the party chooses. If you want a say in that join the party. You can’t have it both…
He isn’t right and he never was and it’s entirely relevant that he’s not a democrat. He’s an opportunist who thought he could take advantage of someone else’s hard work and thinks he’s justified in criticizing something he never wanted anything to do with, until it served his goals. I have no problem with the rules.…
And yet, the Vermont Democratic Party exists so miss me with that nonsense. He could join and support the party but he doesn’t want that. He wants to be an Independent who gets to tell Democrats how to run things.
This all day. Seriously. How in the hell is it hard to understand this? If you decide you want to be an Independent, cool, that’s great. You aren’t beholden to any party and you can vote what you want to vote. That’s your perogative. BUT, some of them, Bernie included, think that they can dictate to the party and…
Have they made a movie about this yet? Because it sounds like The Goonies for stoners.
I use a trackball because I wrecked my wrist a long time ago and using a regular mouse, with its’ repetitive movements, welcomes pain. The logitech I have places the trackball at the thumb and it’s been great. They’re just so hard to come by these days.
As a very light skinned, bi-racial person, her very existence gives me anxiety. It’s because she gives every person who has asked “what are you” and remained skeptical at the answer the ammo they need to continue questioning our identity. Hell, one of the (minor) reasons I got a DNA test is so I’d have receipts in…
Also, “I don’t care if you’re black, white, red, green, blue or...”
So here’s our president, waving his tiny little dick around, trying to intimidate anyone and everyone he can. He probably thinks dropping one big bomb instead of several smaller ones is more economical, too. What happens when Russia decides to drop their largest bomb into a populated area (say perhaps Syria)…
What the hell was with the reporter asking if he had some criminal past right in the goddamn interview? Is jaywalking indicative of a criminal past? If so, I’m the motherfucking Al Capone of jaywalking. Residentials, two-lanes, hell, I’ll even cross a 4 lane if I’m feeling it. Seriously, I am so g’damn tired of…
I tried and no, I cannot.
When someone makes the claim that they were just joking, ask them to explain the joke. Ask them to walk everyone through to the punchline. Make them work to rationalize every little bit of it and maybe, just maybe they’ll see how much of a stupid racist asshole they really are.
Apologies. The info I read was wrong then. Still, that clears things up and I suppose explains the lack of uniformity, though the British cadets I knew were very meticulous about uniformity.
Quick question: How often do British soldiers train on foreign weapons, such as the AK-47? From what I read, the main battle rifle for British forces in the 90's was the M-16. I imagine that if the main troops don’t train on them quite as often, then reservists would do it even less. Hell, would it even be important…
It’s America’s dirt trap or lint filter.