Someone is already proving Pierson wrong.
Someone is already proving Pierson wrong.
I’ve been called an oreo out of racial hatred (‘cause I’m mixed) and yet, I too, love Oreo cookies. I’m so conflicted.
No shut up you guys. Don’t you see? Prayer is the answer to their, um, prayers. They can replace the oil industry with a prayer industry. Just think about it, an entire state devoted to praying for tragedies, national elections, sports, anything! This could revitalize the entire state!
Even if 50 Shades of Grey existed, even if Magic Mike was in theatres, even if Twilight was assaulting our brains, none of that matters. You can’t just fucking shrug your shoulders and go “whelp, rape culture, whaddayagonnado?” No, fuck that. That’s basically an arguement for him not having any sort of self-control or…
Trump: Julian, it’s Donald. Look, do you have a video or an email where Hillary talks about touching weiners? It’s important.
In my experience, the people that last more than a year in auto sales are rare. I’ve been in the support staff at this dealership for 7 years and I can count the number of sales staff who have made it over two on my hands. Most of these guys wash out within two months and a lot don’t even make it past the first…
Those people say they want to be convinced but they don’t and if you say anything remotely negative about Sanders or their poor decision, they say something like “when you act like that, it makes me want to vote for her less.”
Maricopa county is huge. It is 4th most populous county in the nation, covering not only Phoenix but every podunk sun-bleached community and lily-white, brown hating country club community for miles.
If I were a barista and someone wearing those boot sandals came to the counter to yell at me about their order, I would immediately quit my job and dedicate my life to destroying humanity.
Ashly lacks both a vowel and common sense.
The line from journalists is that they are going easy on him because he’s new to all of this but Clinton is a seasoned pro at politics so they go in harder on her. It’s a line of bullshit but I’ve heard Dana Bash and a few others giving this rationale. They are basically giving him a higher handicap.
Land of the Lost had it right:
Yup. He was the resident Berniebro so any knock on Clinton is his g’damn cup of tea.
My guess is is that someone jokingly suggested they invite her and someone else half-jokingly agreed. And then she said yes and everyone was just flabbergasted and delighted.
Not only that but she was the 4th fastest!
Some of the competitors like bringing their pets and/or family for moral support. Some competitors have had their wee babies there with headphones on so they don’t get overstimulated; some folks have had their dogs in attendance. BTW, her piggy is named Sammo Hog and that’s just the greatest thing ever.
God-fucking-damn these shitty ass judges and their shitty ass decisions. Fuck them to hell. Always worried about “ruining” some sorry ass man’s pitiful life while a woman has to live in fear. Fuck. Them.
The best part is that in a follow up interview he fantasizes about challenging the state rep to a duel and killing him!
Precisely. By the way, is Ed Sheeran paying royalties to the Gaye estate for Thinking Out Loud? That baseline is a hell of a lot closer to Let’s Get It On than Blurred Lines is to Got To Give It Up.