My favorite part of every single one of these videos featuring a Trump spokesweasel is when the reporter asks them a very difficult question and it jumps to Hillary.
My favorite part of every single one of these videos featuring a Trump spokesweasel is when the reporter asks them a very difficult question and it jumps to Hillary.
I ain’t wearing chino shorts. I’ve got big thighs.
While I’ve found low CP pokemon are harder to catch, it seems like those between 200-400 are easier. It’s as if someone mislabelled the catch tables and uploaded them. Sometimes it’s frustrating but to be honest, I play with my daughter and it’s just great getting out and walking and talking that any annoyances aren’t…
Mr. Trump probably loves a good pizza pocket. Molto bene!
It looks like they are trying to hire people to cover all of those issues:
I know he’s supposed to be creepy but something about it is cute. I don’t know why.
Does this sound familiar: Some moron will come strolling to the back of the plane or vehicle and their bewildered cohorts will wonder who’s controlling the vehicle. The moron will confidently reassure them that autopilot/cruise control is activated just before they crash. Somebody might even yell, “But that’s not how…
So they’re acting like teens, rolling their eyes and whining, “Mooooooooom! You’re EMBARASSING me!”
So I was confused about why they’d call the Department of Transportation but is seems that they are in charge of policing moving fraud. Learn something new every day.
The crazy thing is back in the original comics Betty Brant was Peter Parker’s 1st love interest.
And Hillary is behind it all.
Hold the phone, I was told by MANY reliable source on facebook and around dinner tables that the Media was actively supporting Hillary in order to cheat Bernie Sanders out of the wins he deserved by being an inspirational & charismatic dream come true. There is no way in the world they gave her mostly bad press…
How it probably goes down:
Did I miss the Avenger? Was it decommisioned?
Ok. Do you within reason but the first time one of you mooks demands to be in the Westminster Dog Show, I’m done.
ABC ditches Agent Carter (ratings withstanding) to greenlight a show about a “talking dog”. God is dead.
Personally, I’d rather see her play Shuri, T’challa’s sister, than a “love interest”. That would at least mean there was the potential for her to suit up as Black Panther at some point and that would be magical.
I can’t think of a film where Will Smith has ever been under heavy prosthetics. Can you?
“Yes, as you may have noticed, O’Keefe’s paintings of flowers do resemble beef curtains. Did I say that? I meant sugar walls. Wait, no? They look like the Holiest of Holys. Hm, Mossy Cottages? No? Hoo-Ha? Catcher’s Mitt? Pink Pleasure Palace? Tuna Taco? Va-Jay-Jay? Weenie Wallet? Happy Valley? Front Butt? Yoni?…