
In the Clone Wars animated series, a clone’s “Order 66" chip fired early and he took out a knight. A squadmate investigated and discovered the chip but he was eventually silenced. However, some clones, including Rex, Wolfe & Gregor took it to heart and had theirs removed before Order 66 was given. In fact, on Rebels,

I’ll jump between the Division Beta and Fallout 4. I don’t really play a lot of multiplayer games so this should be interesting.

Sounds about right. I had an 03 and found the oil leak in the spark plug tube. That’s probably the “easiest” fix on that damned abomination. Then, a static cable broke and made the car sound as if there were a baseball card in the spokes. The last straw was when it was time to replace the belt and I read what steps

It gives them two itches to scratch: music hipsterism and social awareness. I mean there’s not too many people that allow them to scoff at their music AND accuse of “trying too hard” to be a “good ally”.

Oh. Really?


Reasonable though has no place here. Begone, heretic!

Thank you! Especially on point #1. If a dealer can’t move those 2015s off the lot, the manufacturer isn’t going to give them 2016s they won’t sell or they’ll give them the basic trims. The longer the older model years are on the lot, the lower they are going to drop their pants to move them.

Maybe they’ll keep up this pace and we’ll have Avengers Inc., where each squad has the same codenames which more or less describe that person’s role on the team.


An art school rejected his portfolio.

So I’m NOT supposed to be enjoying Fallout 4?

At last report, yes.

It’s a well-known fact that people who read medical journals are fiveteen times more likely to perform carjackery. (1)

They fall under “Mexican” aka any brown person not identified as Black.

I think the Cop Engagement Continuum is as follows (from least to most threatening):

I’ve watched enough Speed Racer to know that only one of those buttons works and it will activate a saw blade, a submarine mode, jump mode and more but never the horn.

Bitter, buttered treasure troll, Donald Trump.

Oh my, I think you were looking for the Sports Illustrated Complaint Department. This is the “Ain’t Got Time for No Horsin’ Around” Department.

So. Edgy.