You have someone who will just up and offer to make you a pizza when you're down? This is a dream come true? I would be so sad all of the time.
You have someone who will just up and offer to make you a pizza when you're down? This is a dream come true? I would be so sad all of the time.
Man, that idiot just totally pulled a Kirby Delauter on that councilman.
Odds on this lout trying to use this as an example of why gun control measures are useless?
This is just typical adult/child interaction:
HA HA! Satan is real! The Age of Suffering has begun!
I stopped at "always cater" and quite frankly, that's ridiculous advice. It's perfectly ok to order pizza.
Argentinian werewolf baby. Duh.
flawless [flaw-lis] adj. 1. having no defects or faults, especially none that diminish the value of something: "a flawless Ming Dynasty vase." 2. having no discernible blemishes or shortcomings; perfect: "flawless French; flawless beauty." (see also: Nicki Minaj)
It's not like this is new ground for Whoopi. She put Ted Danson up to doing a blackface routine at the Friars Club, remember?
That car you like? It's getting a diesel version. I swear. My uncle works for the manufacturer.
Maybe #CrimingWhileWhite isn't for black people at all. It's for those totally oblivious white people who think the playing field is level. It's for the ones who think, "if only they'd obeyed". It's for the ones that can't comprehend that a black boy gets gunned down for having a bb gun but a grown white man with a bb…
This story came out two days ago and no one was shot. These kids had an airsoft rifle and the police didn't drive up guns blazing. Hmmm. I wonder what was different. Hmmm.
My teacher read a Superman comic one time and I'm pretty sure I'm bulletproof & capable of flight. BRB, gotta test.
I think it's worth noting that this droid looks like it might be much smaller than an R-series. It kinda looks like it's slightly larger than a remote droid. Also, an astromech of this size could definitely fall in line with an upgrade X Wing, allowing for more space on the fighter for better engines, armaments, etc.
This specifically.…
Eagerly awaiting the Captain Marvel & Wonder Woman tie ins. There won't be any excuse to ship less of the female action figure when the female is the main character.
"These monsters would have you bite into this beautiful asparagus, cut down while it reached out to the sun for nourishment, packaged before it could pollinate and raise up it's own sprouts. These are the real monsters!"
My kiddo doesn't really like dolls. She's more into Minecraft and MLP and anything to do with dragons. Lately, she's been mounting science expeditions to study the Enderman. Backpacks around the bedrooms with a flashlight and notepad with the lights off. She worries about being late for "work" and complains about the…
I see that and all I can think of is My Super Ex Girlfriend. Now once Captain Marvel and Wonder Woman come out, there better be some kick ass action figures running.
They are trying to "save Christmas" while sacrificing Thanksgiving. A Pyrrhic Victory at best.