
The key to a happy marriage is learning how to handle and cope with the unhappy times. If you can't communicate with each other in those rough patches, things will not go well.

Amen to all of this!

"But its central tenet is so unnatural — that every human being begins life as a disposable object and ends life as a disposable object — it took one hundred years for Marx's theory of historical materialism to be expressed as gynecism." When it's so plainly obvious that life is a disposable object right in the

It's dishonest to refer to 5 words MENTIONING a game as a review. A screenshot does not make a review. It's an "article" listing new releases that mentions THREE games out of 50. Are the other two mentions reviews? No. Are you accusing the other two developers of receiving favorable coverage? I haven't heard anything

Truly the standards have dropped low when a screenshot and 5 words (FIVE ENTIRE WORDS) constitutes "favorable coverage". Have you looked into whether he slept with the developer of Tangiers? He devoted 4 words to that game and even lauded as usurping Thief. Can't count out Treasure Adventure World. That got 5 words as

I've seen free roaming, supposedly happy chickens tear baby mice to shreds without once stopping to consider the rodents' rights to life. I called them out on this hypocrisy and they pecked at the dirt. I know they heard me, but they didn't care. I eat them so that they will never murder another baby mouse. I'm a

I love how all these outlandish ideas are predicated on the idea the President Obama is simultaneously the weakest and most powerful person in the government right now. He can't get anything right unless he's trying to destroy everyone. He's Darth Jar-Jar.

Here in Western Washington, it's definitely not deer. It's a tossup between raccoons and possums.

One must also consider the psychological effect the sound of that vulcan has on fighters on the ground. That's the sound of death coming.

This is brilliant. I hope this game mechanic catches on. It's so much more organic. Now I imagine a Mechwarrior game where if you're mech goes down & you eject and have to get off the battlefield or find another ride.

I don't think any of those kids are alive.

That's the way I've heard it used the most.

Or you can put them in the basket the right way. But your way might work.

Besides, who wants someone's grubby hands pawing the tines after it's clean? Also, I don't want to get stabbed by a fork pulling it out of that damned basked. Just like any other tool, you grab the handle.

For almost 10 years, we have argued about whether or not I have watched "The Machinist" with her. I contend that I have not and she says otherwise. No, I don't care that our Netflix history says we rented that. I would remember watching that movie and I didn't. She probably watched it without me. It happens.

Personal opinion but I don't care what anyone calls it (vagina, "hoo-ha", "mossy cottage") as long as they don't act like it's some mysterious, pelvic Narnia and are actually educated on how it works.

Can we convince a non-black actress or actor to start wearing an afro and just see which publication falls over themselves to declare it the latest trend? From there, we just start making up things for them to steal/use, like Daryl did to Michael in The Office.

All hail Brinner.

Who's remembering and who's forgetting? Maybe you aren't remembering what you think you remember but instead are remembering what you wanted to happen and I forgot that you told me that's what you wanted but we didn't do that. Or maybe I DID actually forget and you remember and I hope to hell this isn't the early

No. Accusing every restaurant owner of creating fake reviews is just as spurious. Yelp operates closer to a social network than a review site. Brand new reviewers have no clout. If they create only one or two reviews, don't bother updating their profile with a picture or gain friends, the algorithm is more likely to