That right there is my biggest beef. Thank you for expressing it better than I could.
That right there is my biggest beef. Thank you for expressing it better than I could.
I know someone that regrets having a child and as a parent myself I'm so conflicted about the sentiment. The only thing I really, really take issue with is that some people feel necessary to post it on social media or in the examples above, write articles about it. Sure, it's a brave stance. They are are sharing…
Remember when you used to get a game manual that covered a lot of the backstory, while the game focused on, well gameplay? It's a little like that.
I think I wore out a controller on Top Gear Rally.
Nobody told this guy half this stuff because it's bullshit.
No, make it a year. You see, when you first start a minimum wage job, optimism is still at full strength. You are gonna make a difference. You are going to help everyone and they will appreciate you. There's no way this job is that bad. You will make a change.
This sounds like a clip from Justified. Deputy Brooks would destroy that punk.
Yeah, no. Sometimes you want to harmonize and that's great but there's nothing wrong with a bitchin' solo.
They are STILL trying to "sprinkle crack" on this poor kid so some dumb asshole on facebook can put together some half-assed argument about how things aren't so black and white and they won't get the irony of that statement and you'll just have to unfriend them right then and I'm so angry I forgot to punctuate because…
Sookie actually says something to the effect, "Please leave before I have to rescind your invitation." As for the other part, we ARE talking about True Blood, a show that's never really had strong logic.
I wanted to become a cop a long time ago and even applied but the way my family and friends talked about hating cops so much I decided it wasn't worth it. There's probably a lot of people out there that would make good cops who will never consider it because the price is too high. That leaves plenty of slots open for…
I propose that whenever the police or the media attempts to defame a victim in order to reduce the amount of scorn they receive, it should be referred to as "Sprinkling Crack", in reference to Dave Chappelle's stand-up routine on the topic:
Running D&D campaigns for kids is so fun! I run one for my 6yo. The first session was the equivalent of a video game tutorial, which culminated in a short quest using everything she learned. She really gets into it and the creativity it sparks in her is just icing on the cake.
It's the sad state of getting any superhero merchandise for your daughter. Marvel and DC could make a killing rolling out toys and apparel to the "pink aisles", I mean, what kid wouldn't want a stuffed Lockheed, or a Batgirl utility belt, Star Sapphire (nu52 Heroic version) power rings & shirts, She-Hulk legal defense…
I've always entertained the idea (in my own head) that the people of the Summer Isles (besides the handful we've met) are smart enough to stay out of all the crazy "White People" drama in Westeros.
Maybe the additional engine has something to do with it.
Me got good but. Me reed good. But reed good too. But reed froot of the loom. But reed haynz. butt reed joocy. butt reed hot stuf. Me am soopr smrt.
It's amazing that we now live in an age where taking a mere minute of someone's time is a MAJOR inconvenience.