
There is an inventory, your weapons can be modded with gem crafting, class roles are obvious even if they aren't explicitly defined (e.g. you have your healers, supports, phys/mag damage dealers, etc).

My answer is yes, it does. It's not from Japan, but the combat is almost exactly like Grandia, a notable JRPG.

Kinda depends on your definition on the term, kinda like anime. Some think it has to originate in Japan, while others see it is a genre that originated in Japan but exists in other areas as well.

The storytelling is a big unique, but I wouldn't necessarily agree with the other points. The turn-based combat plays exactly like Grandia which is a JRPG, and small damage numbers are present in many JRPGs like Dragon Quest and Pokemon.

Thanks, just edited that.

Why it's worth playing: Considering it's a very new game, I'd be quick to recommend this one. It's fairly short, accessible, and has a fair difficulty. Too new to be a classic, but certainly comes up with a few ways to breathe new life in an old genre.

Aside from turning the card sideways, I don't really see how it resembles Magic more than it does any other current card game.

Really hope there's some sort of ambassador program for early adopters, similar to what Nintendo did with the 3DS.

My mistake, the format of this commenting system made me think I was replying to a trailer someone posted of the fanmade game.

The game is real, it's currently in development.

"Master, there is an 80% chance your assassination target is right next to you. Would you like me to shine a beacon guiding you there?"

Oh geez, I missed that part.

It's an iMac, not a Mac Pro. That means it's prettier to shoot.

Then she's not the real mother. There must have been another female Cubone/Marowak, and your Pokemon took the egg once the real mother passed away.

I used to go for the fighting game tournaments they had on Thursdays, sadly I don't think they've had any for a while.

Really enjoying Child of Light, but it made me revisit Grandia a bit and now I miss the crap out of Grandia :(

It's also what happened to Apple right before they rose up. iPods originally only worked with iTunes on Mac because Apple devices only worked with other Apple devices, then they got smart and made iTunes for Windows and iPods then became crazy popular.

But the past few Pokemon games have been online.