
Only if they want to leave money on the table.

Nintendo could, if they wanted to, afford to kill off their dedicated hardware division and go all software. That's how good their software is. You have games like Candy Crush making 1 million dollars a day, and that's just one game! Then there's Call of Duty which gets close to $1 billion dollars in just a few

This is the problem with people asking for a console version of Pokemon. They have an idea of how the game should be in their head, and they think they'll get that version if it's on console, when really, considering it's the same development team making the game, they shouldn't expect something wilding different

Let's be honest, we know exactly how Nintendo can start printing money again.

The main problem with putting Pokemon on a Wii U isn't that they don't want the game, they just don't want the Wii U. Nintendo exclusives on the Wii U have been very highly rated and it's not helping enough. Really it shows that it doesn't matter what games are put on the Wii U, it's not gonna be enough to put it in

Mobile apps for games still aren't very common.


We were wrong, put it back in the glass.

There were console games that had story modes, like Pokemon Coliseum and Pokemon XD: Gale of Darkness, but they were still mediocre. It's hard to be a Pokemon fan that doesn't like handhelds, considering that's the only place true Pokemon games have really existed. Pokemon may be able to move 2DS units when the cost

Not enough people would lose their shit to make it worthwhile. Pokemon X and Y sold 12 million units, which is more than the amount of Wii U systems currently out there. Even if it could move a few ten thousand Wii U units, it would still sell millions less than if it were on 3DS, and the margins they get from the Wii

With X and Y being in full 3D and the games getting better online support, I think the desire for a console version is steadily decreasing.

We knew it was taboo, that it was forbidden, but we had to do it. We just missed Ruby and Sapphire so much. What could go wrong?

Dark Souls is not solely about being difficult, it's about exploring a world of demons and undead, with the difficulty being one method of pulling you into the world. Unfortunately your assessment of the game's graphics and story implies that you only evaluate games on a surface level.

Instead of being "married", why not simply use the term "Butt Buddies".

Pokemon has had yearly releases for a long time now.

A shame about the lack of four shoulder buttons. Every improvement to the remote play experience would certainly directly translate to more sales. They could play off the hardware disparity with the explanation that rear touchpad and front screen button emulation is still an option (even if it's not ideal).

They're not legally responsible, but they have to do it so that people continue to trust purchasing titles that are put on Steam.

"and the system can't be held responsible if the devs aren't truthful when using it."

Calling this subpar is being very generous.
