
"Why are people so into Yuengling?"


Not a big change, the fans are already used to seeing other teams score touchdowns in their stadium.

How is this system less safe than the current one?

This is historically inaccurate, Snowden is not a trained sniper, the NSA don't do cocktail parties...3/10 would not assassinate

Now playing

Just seeing the pictures reminded me of this;

This just in! Tom nook has shot the assassin! But why did he do it? Rumors of a house payment left unpaid is said to be the motive!

"Some of my best STDs are from black people!"

MyFoxBoston is reporting that Ernest Wallace, the third suspect in the Aaron Hernandez murder case, has been apprehended in Miramar, Fla.

I'll be here all day.

Oh snap, son! You just got TOLD.

CORRECTIONS OFFICER: [Opens front door to house]

Pierce and Garnett were warmly welcomed by their new fans, although they made an early gaffe in the introductory press conference when they said they couldn't wait to bring a championship "to the city of New Amsterdam."

Wow, I'd hate to think that I was giving my money to morally bankrupt companies for a cheap pair of shoes. Thank God I'm wearing Nikes.

The real shame here is that Odin Lloyd was recently dropped by his own athletic sponsor, Under Armour.

That's so distasteful. My shoes are made from baby pumas.


No, Mr. Bond, I expect you to bloom.