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Ahahahahah this may put a dent in the Manic Pixie Prostitution Industry


Ugh. Thank you for putting that one down...

Yeah, see, we're workshopping for him here!

Woah, Juliet Hulme wrote The Cater Street Hangman?! That's crazy, those were solid, solid books.

So, on a scale from anonymously moving someone's clothes from the laundromat washer to a dryer to supporting the return of white minority rule to Zimbabwe, how much will my neighbors hate me for using the apartment grill all day to make delicious porky treats?

Instead it seems like he made sure that will never happen, at least not for a long, long time.

When I played Bioshock: Infinite it reinvigorated an interest in games after a droning series of releases the previous months. I loved that game; it excited me aesthetically, conceptually and philosophically and I wrote a review that reflected that stimuli. Little did I know that The Last of Us, Gone Home and

Un uh. Nope. Nope, no way. I don't mind if my throne room is as big as Daenerys Targaryen's, but bathroom stuff has gotta be in a bathroom. None of this "open bathroom" business like it's some sort of breakfast nook

"yeah he ain't cute enough to make Drake worth it"

Amphetamine psychosis. Ten seconds of your life wasted by writing that comment.

Wow, yeah, that killed me. I've only seen that look on someone's face once: my roommate, when he went into amphetamine psychosis after he started taking Adderall after a long hiatus and took too many of the 30 mg pills over 3 days cramming in some programming work. No sleep, no food, and I can't even speculate on how

IMO it really depends on the bar. I typically drink at a place with 84 beers on tap. When I first started drinking there, I kind of cocked my head like a tipsy puppy at some of their offerings, and got samples because they were faster than trying to explain to my shitty tipsy puppy ears what something tasted like.

Seriously. What's even more insane is that if it's some kid selling drugs, the police will not hesitate to kick down a few doors at the quad with AR-15s and a tank parked outside. But if it's sexual assault, a crime with a victim, it's "not a police matter".

Kat, don't listen to them, you're killing it here. :)

It's outright disgusting that universities, not law enforcement, are the ones that handle these cases in the first place.

That was him?

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We need to raise the bar here. And also allow non-equine contenders. Something like this:

See, that's a great horse name. Why aren't all horse names just bad horse puns that are only funny when you're perpetually day-drunk? Like We need to figure out what kind of names people bet on... we could probably do a Gallop Pollimsosorry