the Kraft Fight Hunger Conference
the Kraft Fight Hunger Conference
Fact: No one can afford cocaine addiction. in other words they're just not paying their employees commission anymore.
Yeah, I could barely write a JS at 15, my geoshitties was all in HTML and CSS..
I actually used this recipe last night with great success. I found that my pasta sauces were missing one crucial ingredient: All The Cheese.
Damn straight! Fucking yurropeeinns & their gay
I gotta give a hometown shoutout to Organic Transport in Durham, NC, and their ELF. They're quite fun and sustainable. Looking forward to their fleet expanding..
Go-Gurt is as much a yogurt as Pol Pot was a scholar..
Okay, so it isn't just me.
No one seems to have noticed that the Tooled Up achievement looks just like the skyhook from Bioshock Infinite..
Seriously, Leslie?
Obviously this was a terrible idea. FAU student athletes would get confused about which building to stay at after graduation.
Thank you. I was like "this is awesome, but why are there walls? that ruins the game"
Man, next-gen or not, those guys can't shoot for shit.
It's kind of like America, Glorious Sichuan Province China
Funny, my brain associated the colors with a locally sourced, sustainably bottled, organic coconut water company or possibly organic sustainable urban bicycle rental startup.
When you book an electronic DJ for an event, the dancers usually accompany him unless requested otherwise. This is what these women do for a living, it is not degrading to them at all, quite the opposite, most dancers I know are empowered by their job. The fact that these devs quit over two women dancing in scant…