Aha! We finally discovered Olivia Munn’s talent: making Aaron Rodgers look like he has a personality.
Aha! We finally discovered Olivia Munn’s talent: making Aaron Rodgers look like he has a personality.
Just another manic Munn day.
Better than Johnny Knox’s back cracked block.
What about Kotaku? Ha ha, just kidding. Nerds.
Thanks. I would be more surprised, but I guess we can’t know how many people signed up with Jordan’s info until Grindr’s information comes out.
hundreds, due to fake accounts using abc@abc.com email address
Breakdown of Deadspin, Gawker, and Jezebel emails, please.
I’m confused. You’re sick of satirical advertisements poking fun of stuff?
getting people who would never watch a Madden commercial to watch a Madden commercial.
Rex Ryan doing what Rex Ryan does yelling ineffectually at people to get a better performance that never comes. Good luck Bufallo you’ll need it.
Pretty good broadcast so early in the esports life of a game. Two things they need to work on though.
“Sanders wasn’t really seen as all that serious a candidate until Black Lives Matter blew him up”
Amazing that they didn’t have build a great rapport. Havin worked hard to integrate himself by blowing off the passing camp that was put together by Wilson and the receivers (Jimmy Graham and some defensive players all showed up this year), he spent all his time away from the team slow playing his injury. Right when…
But I just kept getting, ‘If he comes back, he comes back. If not, we’re good without him.’
both fights were instigated by Baldwin and Tate, who were immature, jealous, and threatened by Harvin
at 6 seconds, right edge....is that a 79 mph wiffle ball pitch?
But according to Gawker Media, aren’t the police the bad guys?
I cannot watch at work, but from the still frame I am 99% sure that is the Folger’s coffee commercial outtake thing, right? Classic.
This sketch does not get nearly enough praise, but I think it might be his best:
How is LOLNiners not a Deadspin category yet?