Like the rest of the internet and media in general, most of it is pure garbage, but it has its uses. Maybe reddit attracts more garbage than most media, but no one would argue TV is a bad medium because Big Bang Theory is its most popular show.
Like the rest of the internet and media in general, most of it is pure garbage, but it has its uses. Maybe reddit attracts more garbage than most media, but no one would argue TV is a bad medium because Big Bang Theory is its most popular show.
Nailed it.
this sounds more like the pantheon of everyone loves it so I must refuse to like it
Well, a few days ago people were accusing Seinfeld for dating an 18 year old (with the full permission and support of her parents) and nearly marrying her years later. The attacks went from creepy and perverted to rapist.
Someone should have warned him the British were coming.
Announcer: “Boy was it fun watching him round the bases!” We’ll have to take your friggean word for it since none of us saw it! Won’t we?!?!?!
This totally validates the argument I’ve been making for years that the way baseball is filmed is totally fucked up. I’m so SICK of the pitcher batter view and HOPING cameraman catch up to balls in play and runners running bases! Give me the whole field like a football game so I can see all the damned players moving.…
This is the way Deadspin has been going of late. Was wondering myself if anyone was feeling the same way about this one.
And Costas isn’t even necessarily wrong about some of the reactions to his comment, but lashing out at the “internet mob” every time people react to something you’ve done in a way you don’t like is an old-white-media-guy move that could not possibly be more played out
I mean, he’s not wrong.
For all of you that are asking why this is news, remember that Michael Sam is the first athlete to have openly left sports for two weeks to deal with a personal matter, and that in and of itself is pretty groundbreaking.
Man I hope you guys don’t try to ruin this guy. If this matter was indeed personal, I think it’s best kept that way.
Even Seriouser Question: Is there another sport where the self-proclaimed best team whines about having to play another good team?
Catches like this should really help the Chicago Wildfire stay at the top of a division that includes such powerhouses as the New Orleans Hurricanes, the San Francisco Earthquakes and the South Carolina South Carolinians.
Gymnastics and figure skating are arguably not sports. They take tons of skill and physical ability to compete in. I have nothing but respect for the people who compete in them. But anything where a judge assigns a score to decide the winner is at the borderline of sport at best.
Literally every single possession ran through James.
Hold on a sec. Is Marky Mark a lot taller than I thought? Baron, Steph and Nash are all 6’3”, right? I thought Marky Mark was about 5’5” or something.
Love my PS4, don’t play COD. It just doesn’t look good when this Sony guys brags about all these brokered “exclusives”. Why not just let all gamers play? Instead they're making business deals to divide us. Batman, Assassin’s Creed and Destiny exclusives also did not spark good feelings, even tho I would stand to…
Rob, I understand you are upset about Jon Snow, but dude, relax man.