
God throwing interceptions is not a huge stretch. This is the same guy who locked in on The Virgin Mary and never even looked at another receiver.

The guy who missed the onside kick; his mother wished he was never born.

Guess what Terry Blount's favorite chicken sandwich is?

"Far Cry 4's DLC forces you to grind until you die for no reason."

You know what's even MORE disgraceful? Percy Harvin is sitting at home cheering on the Seahawks because if they win another championship he gets SEVENTY THOUSAND DOLLARS. For doing absolutely nothing. Actually, nevermind, that's not disgraceful, that's the American Dream.

So the NFL is picking up the flag on itself?

As big of a sports fan as I am, if it comes to a vote, I'll always vote for schools, roads, better-trained police and firemen, and actual civilisation over grown men being paid to play a children's game.

"How's Meg?" "Who cares?" GOLD

"How's Meg?

once again I've clicked on a post from the normally-solid deadspin and am left desperately searching for what would possibly be interesting about this post. I can't for the life of me figure out why this is funny or interesting or controversial. Please, for the love of God, enlighten me.

Excuse my ignorance (I'm not able to watch the game), but what is stupid about this?

I almost closed this post with the impression that Lin is an idiot despite being a Harvard graduate and a pretty smart ball player. This story should be edited with this Vine or a clip from the interview this Vine pulls from.

In Peter's defense he hasn't seen his own dick in 25 years so he was confused more than anything else.

That catalog of charges destroys Sharper's image.

More likely it would be located at C:\Users\mgarcia\Desktop because if there's one thing I've learned, it's that the higher up someone is, the more they love to save all their important files on the Desktop instead of on something like an automatically backed up server.

Niner fan here. Bad call. Howver, it did not decide the game as the Niners only real hope was the end-of-the-half INT going for a TD. (yes, Niner fans, I get it . . . down 6 v down 10 might result in a different mentality but that would require ignoring all of Kaep's performances of the last weeks and assuming that

If Arians didn't want the flag thrown then he should have given it to Ryan Lindley.

I find it difficult to grasp because I just don't care. So what if VOG raid gear is moot now? It's just a game. Why get stressed out over it? Why all the complaining? I'm not being paid real world money to play. There's no prize money. Just because I can get better raid gear at the vendors doesn't mean VOG sucks now.

"I cant breathe"