I don't know what the big deal is- if you can get Russell Wilson for Joe Fauria, you take that trade in ANY league.
I don't know what the big deal is- if you can get Russell Wilson for Joe Fauria, you take that trade in ANY league.
The lack of communication options between players, unbalanced PvP, lack of missions, poor matchmaking and repetitive environments.
"Oh yeah, baby, that's all lies. I'm suing that blogger for slander. Got my lawyers on it right now."
Anyone over the age of 6 years old who doesn't eat their crusts needs a dick punch.
I'm just curious about something. As someone who does not read, "ZOMG she wore WHAT?!?!" articles, who usually authors these things, and who encourages them by reading said articles? As the vast majority of men aren't all that consumed by fashion I'd imagine the authors and intended audience are largely female. Am I…
Because that's worked out SO well with the alcohol industry...
Fortunately, Cutler is immune to criticism. Unlike his kids, who aren't immune to a goddamn thing.
No discipline will be processed or imposed against the player, by the Club or the League, until after the pending criminal charges are adjudicated.
"Where are the penises?"
What about Battlefield 2143?
Someone should have murdered her
Yeah, but does Stephen Colbert reprise his role as Phil Ken Sebben?
I don't care what you think of me, the best Super Bowl halftime performance of the last 10 years was Bruno Mars.
When I tell them I work for a website called Deadspin, they assume that Deadspin is a table tennis publication that they have never heard of.
scrubs are scrubs
there better have been some obvious lead up to this fight, otherwise this dude is filming his trip to the bathroom...
In addition to keeping the money, AWSM keyed the NFL's new pickup and used its credit card for a shopping spree at Bloomie's.
Whoa whoa whoa whoa. A white guy got busted for a drug offense and we suspended him? We've got to do something about this!
Goodell is a pawn with no power. He does what the owners tell him, nothing more. If he goes, another puppet will take his place.