
I don't really care about football, but I also don't really care about women. Is there some way I can use these two facts to make myself feel morally superior to everyone else without really accomplishing anything?

Looks like the Harbaugh Bros got a pair of Ray Bans

So, the only comment to make it out of this "pending" bullshit is one making light of a 24 year old man being killed ON THE PITCH.

I've been a big fan of Deadspin and related sites, but this is fucking stupid - you allow the dumbest shit comments while seemingly judging other comments on some entirely other rationale,

Not sure where you got "Jackie Rob West" but no one in Chicago calls them that. It's either the full name or "JRW" Not to mention shortening Jackie Robinson's name is kinda disrespectful. But thanks for writing up the article.

Embarrassed, the kid hurried back to his seat in order to keep the pop secret.

If there are going to be even more pass interference calls please change the rule to the college system- 15 yards no matter where it was on the field. We don't need anymore 55 yard penalties because Victor Cruz was sneezed on.

Leaf would become one of four Charges to sue Chao, who stepped down last year because he legal troubles led

"I never made a hole-in-one, but I did hit a guy, and that's way more satisfying. You're supposed to yell "FORE!" but I was too busy muttering "There's no way that's gonna hit that guy"

White paid off … only after endless prodding by people on Twitter (go figure).

Even if there are downstream effects on the Olympics, they won't be obvious until much later when NBC finally broadcasts them.

This is relativity at work. Florio is so goddamned dumb, that the PFT commenters only appear to be smart by comparison. In a vacuum, I'm sure their comments are as dumb as ever.

If you're not boating while drunk, are you really boating at all?

In Soviet Russia, Steam denial of services YOU!

They banned him for the terrible music choice, not because he was trying to show them the error.

The point I'm trying to make is that society (both sexes are to blame for this) has downplayed the importance of the father at every level. And while we aren't being called sperm donors directly by MOST people producing these rants, there is an implication at some level, intentional or not, that our importance is, or

Exactly, it's like the assholes that get angry when you use "we" in reference to a sporting team. Obviously I'm not a millionaire linebacker, now get off my balls so I can watch the game.


Fast, as in the earth is saying "I swear, this never happens to me!"