
As 538 points out, this would probably be worse for them in the long run, and as of right now, they are floating this story just to gauge public reaction.
The net result would end up strengthening the other challengers in different states just because their base will be more energetic from this issue.  I doubt this

It leaves the community without many options, even the users who aren’t just there for the porn.

I thought Reagan’s funeral would never end.  This is vying for the top spot of more drawn out though.  Im ready to move on so we can get back to focusing on how fucked everyone is.  

They just paid $100 million to keep a 20 year old show streaming on their platform.  I think they are doing just fine.  

Jesus. Sanctimonious to a T. Welcome to the adult world. I’ll give a shit that people had to work long hours another day. News Flash, that’s not a rarity. We don’t all get to blog about video games.

I’m a vet too and agree with your statement. My only thought is this refers to the troops that are stationed a bit further away then the “stones throw” indicated in the article. They are spread out across the whole border, so naturally, a few companies are going to be much farther from civilization than others.
I dont

That was the celebration from Locketts touchdown. Stupid Fox cut away before showing it, but then decided to play it later after the next touchdown when they realized it was cool and never showed it.

Now that was an ankle breaker.
(does soccer use that term?)

The best part of the gif isnt that its a perfect symbol of how we all feel about Florida.

Incorrect. I hate wrestling because its not real and the wrestlers (except for a minor few) are horrible actors which kills it even more. If its going to be a show of roided dudes (and females), I demand better acting for their poorly conceived soap opera.

Yeah, Phoebe is behind a story mission on Attika.  Then she shows up later on a different island too in the story.  

Right?  at 15 hours, he should have run into phoebe by now.  I guess theres a ton of stuff you can do all over, so he may have not gotten there yet, but there is a reason why they are not on the island.  

It’s the gift that just keeps on giving.  

I’m not trying to be rude, but stop asking my to whitelist your website.  I did that for all the sites a couple months ago, until recently, when your site became effected with scam walmart ads that dont let you leave the scam site.  Fix your site, and ill reconsider enabling the blocker.  

And the big prize craze.  The more the jackpot goes up, the more people (who normally dont play) decide to a buy a ticket or two, which inflates the prize pool even more.  

I agree.  I think Dennis spells it out perfectly that it becomes their reality.  And of course Charlie runs with it and actually changes the reality.  

Something, Something, drank your milkshake.

“is baseless and without merit.”

I think its the best episode out of them all.

The way Peanut is constantly asking if he should whack someone for the Don.  

The Flintstones “Sopranos” episode is golden.
Really thought that would be in your must watch.