I kept thinking every time you referred to, Clevinger, you were using it as a term from a Cleveland Indian. I was confused.
I kept thinking every time you referred to, Clevinger, you were using it as a term from a Cleveland Indian. I was confused.
Its a culturally iconic sketch. Like all things that are funny, the more you see/hear it, the less of an impact it has. But that doesn’t mean that nostalgic remembrance is a bad thing. I don’t think he was doing it as a, “hahha, look how funny I am. Remember Cow Bell?”, and more of just a fun nostalgic occurrence to a…
They didnt rebel against taxes. They rebelled against being taxed by people who didnt even live here. They wanted taxes to be paid to the US, not to England.
You’re right that they could have extended him if they managed the Salary Cap better, but then, wouldn’t they be worse for it? Having both Chancellor and ET on the books with big contracts that produce zero value on the field?
They should have traded him when they could, they lost that bet, BUT, they were obviously…
Alternate Headline: Earl Thomas is why teams dont want to extend older, injury prone players.
That second part is spot on and pissed me off. I’m only 35 and I cant remember where the majority of the parties were at or when they took place. I mean, cmon. Unless you lived in a small town your whole life, its probably pretty hard for most people to remember those kinds of details.
So much this. Obvious cons right off the bat:
1. Latency
2. Internet connection and speed
3. Data usage
Think this joke article has run its course. I wont fault you for choosing the Jags when you did for this, but its irrelevant now. (cant really use the browns either, which means we are truly in the darkest timeline).
Sometimes, I find you annoying.
Other times, you hit it out of the park. Bravo.
Because he’s good? This role didnt need an A-list heart-throb. It needed someone we can feel bad for and pity.
Finished it. Refreshing is the perfect way to describe it.
The guys been in almost 100 movies. Certain... ones... were left unmentioned. For obvious reasons.
I dont get it.
Good take. Beyond the risks of streaming being your main source of income, this is no different the tribulations of most working parents. Regardless if its streaming or working 9-5, you have to figure out the best method of juggling kids and work.
Yep, I’ll fax them right over to ya.
No, you see, I already got the fax and I cant read it.
He wants to be the highest paid Defensive player.
They just created the highest paid offensive player.
I honestly don’t understand this comment.
I’m up in Whidbey, and we’re getting the brunt of it as it drops down from the north winds. Shit is thick and getting quite noxious. Starting to cough a lot like I’ve been smoking a pack non-stop.