
It does feel contrived, and often. Still though, Kaitlyn puts them in activities they think they can ace, because they look deceptively easy (often usually someone’s actual occupation). Each time a guy stormed off, he was particularly bad at these (Kupah was stoked for boxing, didn’t realize he was failing, Tony was

This is the third (maybe fourth?) time this season a guy has just lost his marbles and gone out with a bang in one episode. Clint was the same way, same Kupah, and that Buddhist guy. It feels VERY contrived, even for a bachelor show. Which reminds me: I share a few mutual friends with JJ and recently grilled them on

That was like someone put a Reddit post on video.

I read this thing talking about how the actor who played Joe managed to gain a near cultish following from the actors who played the War Boys, almost identical to the relationship in the film. He apparently doted on them and plastered posters everywhere with him in full Immortan Joe get-up that said 'Daddy Loves You'.

Dayna. And. Dane.

this movie does good in all way possible

Now that is both shiny AND chrome. Witness them!

I'd love a week of only hotel / movie theatre stories. I can only imagine what those poor souls have to put up with in a daily basis...

Amen! I liked Cupcake since night one, but after this week he kinda creeps me out. He was a little too into her on their Aladdin date.

My sister and her now-husband had under the sea theme to their wedding (they met snorkeling, and they love fish), so they ordered this beautiful three-tiered cake from our local bakery. The bakers and artists outdid themselves — it was a stunner. Gorgeous, elaborate fish. Square, off-centered tiers. Really cool. (This

We didn’t have a wedding cake disaster but we almost did! Our wedding was loosely garden party themed and we had a pretty, simple white quilted cake. When the cake delivery people showed up they unboxed and set up a beach themed cake. Luckily my husband was over near them and caught the error RIGHT before they left. I

Yeah I think they started out on a bad note that gave the men too much power and they’re still running with it.

I might be the only person out here who is actually feeling Nick. When they kissed last night... they obviously have a lot of chemistry.

Is anyone else feeling the disrespect this season?? There’s been like one rose ceremony because guys are either being assholes and getting thrown out (Kupah, Clint, that drunk guy from night one) or leaving on their own (Tony, Brady). And I can’t even believe the way these fuckboys are reacting to Nick coming in? Like

She had to be right? They would of at least had to do ultrasounds & imaging. I don't think a C-Section is something you casually call in to schedule either. There would HAVE to be at least some tests that show whether she is/was pregnant before they scheduled the procedure.

The fact that she is alive and well is definitely a relief, but the fact that there is no sign of a pregnancy or of a baby is troubling. I guess the best (albeit weirdest) explanation I can hope for is that she was never pregnant to begin with.

I have nothing but questions. So many questions...

Both are wealthy, but the UWS is more like bankers-and-lawyers-in-their-30s-and-40s wealthy, whereas the UES is (between 5th and Lex, at least) more like descended-from-someone-who-signed-the-Declaration-of-Independence wealthy. This is distinct from downtown (Soho, Tribeca, the Village, etc) which is more like

I’m assuming that there is some big difference between the Upper East and the