
Battlefield 4: Dino Mode. Instead of air strikes, you summon a stampede of raging T-Rex.

oh another snarky gamer? that thinks everyone cares about their opinion?
well I will treat you like every other snarky person.
I will consider giving a shit about your opinion when you have something valuable to say. seeing as most snarky people never do, it makes not giving a shit easier.

Is anyone else kindof perplexed at how few dinosaur games there are? You’d think it would be a genre unto itself.

Oh god! It’s an entire GIF genre! I never knew! Thank you so much!

I disapprove of berries being squished and beer being poured in the same post. -1 point.

My job interview went something like this

Malcolm Tucker describes Star Wars:

Kurt Russell

Unnecessary Explosions are the greatest

You get the impression they had planned something great, but it somehow got lost in the execution.

Trust fall!

I love this woman and her precioussss.

So sleepy...

My fuck it attitude towards this week is well represented by this.