
From Juan Pablo's Wikipedia: "Galavis and his former girlfriend, Venezuelan actress Carla Rodriguez, have a daughter, Camila.[4][6][16] He is currently dating Nikki Ferrell, whom he met on season 18 of The Bachelor. However he does not love her.[17]"

I still haven't forgiven him for trying to come between Mary and Matthew on Downton Abbey.

There are a few significant fallacies there. First, there's no requirement that someone need an app to tell their partner how much they care - it's likely someone who would use this would just like to do it more often, not that they're unable to for some reason, unless they have a memory issue or some other mental

This will actually be a nice utility to help people who intend to meet halfway for child visitation exchanges. As an attorney with plenty of practice in the field of family law, I can see myself putting this to use to solve arguments.

I hate we don't seem to care when contestants resort to dietary extremes when they are still overweight, but then freak out when a thinner contestant does it.

Yeah, she said she was eating 1600 calories per day—but with that much exercise, she was likely netting negative calories, which is super dangerous. Someone her size needs at probably 1100-1200 just to operate things like, you know, organs.

Animals know how to play chess yo.

I totally agree with you, except for the "lower" middle class part. My family is firmly lower middle class. That means that when I lost my job in my early twenties, my parents could buy my groceries for me for a few weeks and always try to send me home with a $20, but I was still on my own for rent and bills. You're

Oh, yes, of course not. She's both privileged AND not part of what I'd call the middle class.

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War of the Monsters
Why it deserves to be on PS Now:

OH GOD YES. The fun I had finding out what almost every CD my parents owned would turn out to contain. It was magical!

"There is no strategy, no real interactive element, nor any need for any kind of skill. "

I've posted here as long as there was a Kotaku, and I even read that Comment you are referring to yesterday, it wasn't funny or interesting then, and it isn't now. However 7 recommendations at the moment seem to agree with what I have surmised about you.

Because you have a narcisssistic personality and you think the world revolves around you.

It was called Aladdin and the King of Thieves and Robin Williams did do the voice of the genie in that one. He was absent in the second film which is probably what you're thinking of.

The little "Hey, there's some small minority that might have decent hearts under all of the bullshit" aside is literally nothing different than you can get from any other bigoted asshole. At least the author didn't try to tell us that some of her best friends are rednecks.

I commented on one of those. Something to the effect of "Oh great, a new way to let your impressionable daughter know she's a piece of property! She "belongs" to her father until he decides to let someone pork her? Great way to let a young woman know her worth!"

Part of sleepovers is waking up the next day to the breakfast traditions of other families that aren't your own.