It made me shed a drop of water out of my eye. :(
It made me shed a drop of water out of my eye. :(
I read this while listening to The Last of Us soundtrack.
Heart torn between:
Maybe play the game. Its pretty self explanatory. Your saying the first thing that comes to mind when you say "The Last of Us" is zombies. I'm saying no, because the game has nothing to do with zombies or the infected.
The game isn't even about the infected. Ugh, you don't get it.
Zombies is the last thing that comes to my mind...
Yes, my point is it will get cheaper, but not by much to justify waiting out 2 years for one.
If you're referring to The Last of Us being a zombie game, it was not. The Infected were not zombies, but I will say they are basically the same. But anyway, if you played the game, you would know the game has nothing to do with the Infected really. The main enemies are the Humans, not Infected. The Infected are just…
The Last of Us was amazing, and I loved it. It had better gameplay than Infinite, but Infinite's story was too amazing. I like a good story in a game. I like it well written like a book or a movie. Gameplay is the plus, story, in my books, is the main part. Infinite had a longer lasting impression, and it is my GOTY.
No, I'm not disagreeing with you about a lower price point. A redesign will make the the console cheaper. Just it won't be a drastic change. The PS3 was selling bad, so if there was a $100 price drop for the PS3, I can't imagine a well selling console getting the same cut. Plus Sony is already selling the PS4 at a…
What I don't get is people not getting the consoles because they think it will be cheaper. They only lower in price if the demand is too low. Not the case with the PS4. If anything demand is too high. So itbwont drop in price until a hardware revision, and even then by only $50 since they will easily be able to milk…
So many games this year for 2013, not to mention two new next-generation consoles. 2013 will be the year I tell my kids about in 20 years.
Can they even make it any smaller? I have the original PS4, and I look at is everyday and wonder how it could get smaller. I haven't come up with an answer yet.
I have an X1, but glad this is coming to the 360 instead. I have 2 and 3 for the 360, and would rather have the whole trilogy as a set for the same console.
In two years people will still be referring to them as next-gen, sigh.
I still don't see why Gears of War Judgement wasn't in the list. That was the only AAA exclusive the Xbox delivered this year, and they didn't even consider it?
Yes no, I do agree with the handheld sales picking up. Honestly I prefer handhelds more, as it just feels more, intimate. It feels good to hold the game in your hand. I enjoy the experience a lot more. Read this if you haven't already, this is an article I made on TAY explaining my prediction on an all handheld…
I wouldn't be worried, I bet Japan is dying for a next-gen home console. Considering Xbox doesn't sell in Japan, and the Wii U isn't selling, I'd bid that they're all banking on the PS4.
Ugh I fucking hate this! Why did you put a sticker on my console! I hope I am not alone when I hate when Gamestop feels the needs to put stickers on my game cases. Like FUCK. The amount of times the sticker messed up and the paper peeled leaving the adhesive by itsself, UGH. Or when they put a giant promo sticker on…