Oh you...
Is it flying to Soon? Is that a city in Malaysia? At first I thought you meant it was "too soon" which, for the record, it's never too soon.
Time to call in Sherlock Holmes. Good thing he works in the film crew.
Hmm... Resistance?
I can already tell you its going to be Tales of Xillia 2
Uncharted 2
Metal Gear Solid 4. It was the first game I bought with my PS3 after my third paycheck from my new job. I had $6 left in my checking account...
The Last of Us
Valkyria Chronicles
There is no why. They're Irrational.
Except that with 30 frames per second on the PS4 you won't get the same visual quality on the Xbox One.
Why would you presume when a 2 second google search will get you the press release (that kotaku didn't link too for some reason)
That article even states that the arrow was largely an accidental discovery.
probably because you cant see it when you're playing? I prefer the designs the way they are because when its closed the front faces me and the design looks right.