Carter Brownlee

I love the idea of these ads. Its actually very creative. Get a speed boost from Fin and friends! It makes it seem like all these companies are part of this friendly kart racing universe. Feels nostalgic almost. Its like a secret easter egg almost, it doesn't pop up and say, "50% off Gold Fish snacks at Wal-Mart!" I


This picture is a week old. I organized some stuff since, wish I could take a picture but I'm not at the house my gaming stuff is at.

Insecure fanboys, insecure Xbox fanboys.

Screw the GIF, I'm more focused on the guy falling in the pool with his phone. What dick ass friends.

Photoshop Contest!

I'm Athiest

They went down from 360

Okay please, I'm actually really scared right now, someone help me! I'm freaking out now that there could be insects living in my consoles and laptop! How do I check, and in future prevent them from going in there? I love my consoles and video games to the moon and back, I can't get this thought out of my head! If it

My Wii U has been doing this TV stuff for a while now...

Jesus I'm just sitting here counting the days till Smash Bros and Mario Kart 8. Those are the two games I was most excited for when I bought my Wii U. I loved Mario Kart Wii, and I love both PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royal and Super Smash Bros. More excited fir the 3DS version of Smash Bros though. And finnaly Wii

Massive number as in like 7? Compared to the 5k that were shipped? Hmmm.....

No PlayStation, you've already got ME.

I own a Wii U and what the PS4 + Vita is offering is much better. The Vita is its own game system, where as the Wii U gamepad is not. Yes I know there is a thing called a 3DS, I have one, but there is no Wii U + 3DS connectivity. Second, the PS Vita will play any PS4 game anywhere. As long as you have Wi-Fi, that is

Okay we can all go home now people. This is tonight's winner, better luck tomorrow folks.

Because its Microsoft bro. Lol. There too "serious" to have fun. Which is why there advertisements suck so bad compared to Sony's and Nintendo's. Sony's ads are actually wicked awesome. Wow the Greatness awaits ads, and the Michael TV spot. And this. Microsoft brewers to learn a thing or two things from Sony and

EULA wasn't up for him to agree for.

The guy didn't break any rules or laws. Even mire so, he didn't go against the Xbox terms and conditions. Legally this guy can turn around and sue Microsoft right now for banning his live account.

Yeah exactly what I was thinking

Microsoft can not legally ban those early consoles. The customers who received and payed for them did not break any laws, rules or did anything against Microsofts Terms and Conditions. If Microsoft banned the consoles, the people who bought them could turn around and sue them for jacking their $500 they spent legally