I don't know about you, but halfway down the page I became convinced the article itself became the best definition for "answer syndrome".
I don't know about you, but halfway down the page I became convinced the article itself became the best definition for "answer syndrome".
Hulu usually posts past episodes online a few days after they premiere... including artist performances.
What's going on?
Try talking to a kid that was born in 2000 instead of '89.
When I was ten, I got a copy of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone for New's Years from my awesome liberal grandma. I immediately rushed the illicit (supremely conservative parents) into the next room with a plate of food and raced through it. When I was done I looked at the clock and realized only an hour had…
Sooo... we won't judge anyway! Who cares if you're joyfully happy and have a penchant for rainbows! Who cares if you don't?
I'll have to take a picture and upload it, but I live across from a church someone converted into a house.
That became the best quote of the night, sir.
I too, like I'm Ron Burgundy? and Jessica-Rabbit-With-a-Dick before him, am mystified as to whether Noah is having a period, or just made a very good point.
Thank you, Hal.
Find a good pair of calipers and measure the base width/height/depth of the irregular space you are trying to fill.
Every day, I leave my house and go to work.
So much for that 'curse', eh? Wait a second...
I would think he would have to be. It's a bit difficult to *not* admire Kubrick's work. That being said, don't even think about starting 2001: A Space Odyssey if you've had more than two drinks.
"Baller" in this case means, "significantly bad-ass to the point of ultimate and supreme nerdgasm."
I don't know what you're seein', but I think I see my liver somewhere in the mix fighting for survival.
What is Skynet, Dave?