
Hey, there you are! I've been searching for 20 years to find someone, anyone (besides Shatner) who would defend this ... movie. "Star Trek V: The Search for a Script," forever runied "Row, row, row your boat" for me. The final episode of "Enterprise" even gives this one the stink-eye. The best I can say about it is it

Dear Star Trek V: The Search for a Script,

A Windows PC? Probably shame.

There was indeed a deeper reason for this and the putrid prequels: a cash grab by Lucas.

Literally? Sigh.

I gave this show a chance years ago. I admit I just don't get it. The entire premise seems too deeply flawed for any storytelling, no matter how good, to overcome. Shoehorned in between the prequel flicks, the premise involves warring sides (run by the same person) and the out-of-touch dupes who are the alleged

"Try not to think about how their characters will be boning each other on rooftops 10 or so years from now."

Is this seriously what Lifehacker has resorted to? It's a real big pro tip: if you're having trouble identifying something, label it. What an insight!

Poe tip: Do not bury body organs under the floorboards. You may hear a persistent thumping, like the beating of a drum. It may grow louder —louder —louder!


Any (ahem) 'shipping that involves The Doctor should be killed with fire, now and forevermore. He was not and should never be a romantic lead. Ever.

"If I were Moira, I would torment the hell out of him with this. I would schedule nonstop campaign appearances. I would be taking him and Thea out to family picnics and having them stay in to movie nights. And when he calls me on it I would say this:"

"Throughout Ollie's speech, I was leaning in to the screen like he was announcing lotto numbers and I needed the money for a kidney operation."

30 minutes would be a short stroll compared to many commutes. Silly employers.

Thank you for not disappointing.

Thank you for not disappointing.

Yes, they are related. No, they are not the same thing. This is pretty elementary stuff. most European democracies are socialist in many respects. They are not communist. Raising the bogeyman of communism 23 years after the demise of the USSR is kind of cute.

WWI started in 1914, with the Tsar ruling Russia. The October 1917 revolution took place after Russia was losing badly to Germany. The Treaty of Brest-Litovsk formally ended Russian involvement five months later. There is no plausible way to attribute Russia's involvement in WWI to any communist regime.

Finland, Norway, Sweden. Another fun fact: communism and socialism are not synonyms.